Manufacturer uses Solid Edge and NX CAM to fully leverage 5-axis machining so it can enter the aerospace market Read the full case study.解决方案 Solid Edge Homepage 完整的产品开发产品组合 合作伙伴解决方案 资源库 免费软件 Start Your Free Solid Edge Trial 公司 Siemens Digital Industries Softwar...
Solid Edge 有限元分析 (FEA) Solid Edge Simulation 是一款内置的有限元分析 (FEA) 解决方案,设计工程师可以在 Solid Edge 环境中通过数字方式验证零件和装配设计。Femap 有限元建模和 NX Nastran 技术业已成熟,Solid Edge Simulation 在此基础上,使实体原型需求显著下降,可以降低材料和测试成本,缩短设计时间。
[分享] Solid Edge›2020已安装成功 ...23 习惯le孤单 2019-7-26 2010468 wo5068056 2024-1-30 21:54 [分享] 每日一练:93.catics第5届3D大赛 H03 A ...2 庆幸遇见你 2020-8-25 163501 wo5068056 2024-1-27 22:14 [分享] 每日一练:7. 风扇轮(含表曲线创建方法) ...2 庆幸遇见你 2019-...
By Jane Wade3MIN READ Siemens receives the 2023 Tech Cares Award from TrustRadius August 23, 2023For the second consecutive year, Siemens has been recognized with the Tech Cares Award from TrustRadius, a software peer review... By Brooke Heerdegen3MIN READ...
Glovius Solid Edge Viewer is a modern SolidEdge File Viewer with Measure, Section, Compare, and Export features. View Solid Edge PAR, ASM, PWD, and PSM files.
Glovius Solid Edge Viewer is a modern SolidEdge File Viewer with Measure, Section, Compare, and Export features. View Solid Edge PAR, ASM, PWD, and PSM files.
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Solid Edge ST9 Solid Edge 高性价比的2D/3D一体化系统 延续当前的2D设计过程 无缝的2D向3D迁移 完善的产品建模工具 智能的变量化 独特的同步建模 专业的钣金建模 最佳的大装配设计 高效的2D工程制图 整个供应链间的协同 具有极高的性价比 拥有自己的内核 Pa
NX CADRachel.Hartley2025年1月27日 at AM4:15 Number of Views96.28KNumber of Likes3Number of Comments0 Pinned Post VIDEO - Solid Edge Community Conversations recordings Solid Edgetaryn.blake2024年2月8日 at PM8:05 Number of Views3.65KNumber of Likes8Number of Comments1 ...
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