Solian A brand name forAMISULPRIDE. Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 2005 Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page for free fun content. ...
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近日,从两江水土新城企业迪纳利医药获悉,Resolian(瑞泽联)完成整体并购中国生物分析 CRO(委托研究机构)重庆迪纳利医药科技有限责任公司(chongqing DenaliMedpharma。 ▲迪纳利医药 企业供图 据悉,Resolian(瑞泽联)是一家全球化专注于大分子、小分子药物代谢和药代动力学的生物分析CRO。此次并购中国领先的生物分析...
Resolian is your global bioanalytical and analytical sciences partner supporting drug development, pre-clinical, and multi-regional clinical trials. Our name is our promise Our promise is to resolve: resolve your challenges with exceptional solutions; resolve your scientific needs through our deep knowle...
统一编号: se97166107店内编号:1 品种: 水杯/杯具 属性: 水杯, ,民国之前,,陶瓷 ,,单个销售, ,,, , 简介: 英国索莲娜SolianWare纪念乔治五世与玛丽皇后银婚(结婚25周年)瓷杯,1935年制造,高8.5厘米 备注: 浏览量: 0 点评: 0次进行点评 打假: