The Soleduc program contents were presented in 21sessions, seven were programmed at the beginning of the study, seven at six months later and seven at 12months. Patients in the control group received usual information on the disease during a period equivalent to the Soleduc program. The risk ...
#TranLeDuc陈黎德[超话]# 哦莫哦莫!男友三部曲啊!谁不爱啊!啊啊啊啊!反正我爱的要死
The Soleduc program contents were presented in 21sessions, seven were programmed at the beginning of the study, seven at six months later and seven at 12months. Patients in the control group received usual information on the disease during a period equivalent to the Soleduc program. The risk ...
P02.336 Assessing the impact of delivering information to schiizophrenic patients: The soleduc programdoi:10.1016/S0924-9338(00)94743-6P. Nuss and D.A. Gerard and M. FerreriEuropean Psychiatry
Diagenesis in a Devonian Leduc carbonate complex: implications for the tectonic expulsion of fluids into the foreland basin, southwestern Peace River Arch, AlbertaMarianne C. McKenzieDr. Hans G. MachelCspg Special Publications