SOMEONE once said that Courage is not the absence of fear; rather it is the ability to take action in the face of fear. In the Holy Bible, there are many verses that encourage one to be strong and courageous. Biblical stories too. Today contemporary stories about courage continue to touch...
The Christian Mom's... Price$14.99 Quick view Searching For Grace (May 2021) Price$17.99 Quick view Someone I Know Is Grieving... Price$11.99 Quick view Refreshing Pathways Price$11.99 Quick view 180 Bible Verses For... ...
今日默想:同受苦难指为福音真道而同受苦难。精兵指训练有素,随时可以投入战场,完成任务的战士。这里暗示传扬福音、为主作见证有如参与属灵的争战,甚至有可能在战场上牺牲性命,但主的工人必须以精兵为己任。 ———- Book:2 Timothy (New Testament) Author:Paul 2 Timothy 2:3 :“You therefore must endure ha...
1.His humility. What words for a proud Roman to address to a poor Jew. 2.His faith. It took its colour from his soldier-life. II.The SAVIOUR'S COMMENT on the conduct of this noble-minded soldier, and reflection to which it leads. 1.He announces, in connection with this remarkable d...
I loved the arrangement used in the movie so much that I tried to duplicate it, and this was the result. Please scroll down the page for the download links.Watch for where the music changes Please notice that verses 1 and 3 are not exactly the same tune as verses 2 and 4. Only one...
Bible Verses Climate Gate Climate Audit Climate Skeptic EU Referendum The Virtuous Republic Education Education Watch Health Care Citizens Council on Health Care Health Reform Scam Socialized Deathcare Just Because Green Mountains Homesteading Kenneshaw Cutlery ...
“I’m kind of her elected official,” he said. “We’re very old fashioned. It says in one of the [Bible] verses that the man is the head of the woman, and that doesn’t mean that he’s any cleverer as far as we believe. It just means that he has responsibili...