对英语国家的海军、空军等兵种的成员来说,Soldier这个词语是用来专指陆军的,和自己不是一回事,经常会纠正别人:I’m a marine, not a soldier,我是在海军陆战队当兵,不是陆军的人。 太平洋战争 The Pacific;对方说的Soldier是在指相对于平...
英语中有一句古老的儿歌民谣,叫作 Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor,源于15世纪。这句话中,就把Soldier和Sailor视为两种职业;其中的Sailor是指水兵和水手,而Soldier则是指陆军的军官或士兵。 军队这种制度最初出现时,采取的形式就是Army陆军,之后才形成了Navy海军、Marine海军陆战队,而Air Forces空军则只有大约100年...
marine corps/陆战队,称“marine”。navy/海军,coast guard/海岸警卫队,称“sailor”。air force/空...
There IS NO USPS regulation concerning "Any Soldier", however there is a DOD Postal Manual (DOD 4525.6-M) Issue #22093 dated 9 January 2003, which states, "a. Mail addressed to "Any Service Member," or similar wording such as "Any Soldier," "Sailor," "Airman," or "Marine"; "Milit...
Want to send your support to a Soldier,Marine,Sailor,Airman, orCoastguardsman but have no idea of what to send, who to send it to, or how to send it? By using this website, you acknowledge that you have readTHIS AGREEMENT and that you accept all terms and conditions as stated. ...
Want to send your support to a Soldier,Marine,Sailor,Airman, orCoastguardsman but have no idea of what to send, who to send it to, or how to send it? By using this website, you acknowledge that you have readTHIS AGREEMENT and that you accept all terms and conditions as stated. ...
SM Sailor Moon (anime) SM San Marino SM Smart Media (data storage) SM Shopping Mall SM Slave Master SM Stock Market SM Sheet Metal SM Senior Member SM Santa Monica (California) SM Systems Management SM Super Mario (Nintendo game) SM Standard Model (physics) SM System Management SM Staff ...
"You could be a soldier, sailor, airman, Marine, Coast Guard member and you're told that your wife has to leave the country for 10 years in order to get her green card," Stock said, noting that the possibility of a family member's deportation is demoralizing for those...
He was also available in a G.I.Joe 30th Anniversary Original Action Team boxed set. The boxed set included the Action Marine, Action Sailor (orange), Action Pilot (blue), Action Pilot Astronaut, and the Action Space Capsule. Action Soldier was discontinued in 1994.0...
was formed as a non-profit charitable organization in Maryland and granted 501(c)(3) status by the IRS in August 2004.Starting in August 2005, Any Soldier Inc. opened the web sites of AnyMarine.com, AnySailor.com, AnyAirman.com, and AnyCoastGuardsman.com....