Britannica Quiz A Study of Poetry Trakl’s intense lyrics infuse lamentation for the present with longing for a pastoral past. Much of his work is rife with negative, often disturbing imagery. A volume of selected poems, translated into English by Lucia Getsi asPoems, was published in 1973....
Pop Quiz: 17 Things to Know About World War II In 1936, at thepinnacleof his career, Bloch was elected to the Sorbonne (now part of theUniversities of Paris I–XIII). There, on the eve of World War II, he completed his masterful two-volume synthesis,La Société féodale(1939, 1940...
Start Quiz Huzzah! You’ve entered a medieval kingdom and must don the role of a soldier, poet, or king. So, will you wield a sword or pen, or wear a crown? Take our quiz and answer these questions to discover if your personality type best matches a soldier, poet, or king. 1. ...
BuzzFeed Quiz Party! Take this quiz with friends in real time and compare results Check it out! Choose an important historical figure: Joan of Arc Aristotle Napoleon Michaelangelo Albert Einstein Harriet Tubman Advertisement Choose one of these nature-related elements: ...