We test to your specific requirements, but the standards and methods typically used for solderability testing are: IPC/ECA J-STD-001 J-STD-002 J-STD-003 MIL-STD-202, Method 208 MIL-STD 883, Method 2003.10 IPC-TM-650, Method 2.4.12 ...
Solderability Testingpertains to the process of evaluating the solderability of terminations (i.e., component leads, lugs, terminals, wires, etc.). Industry standards for performing solderability testing include the following: 1) Mil-Std-883 Method 2003 - "Solderability"; 2) IPC/JEDECJ-STD-002 ...
First to show a present snapshot of incoming component solderability, and secondly, attempt to compare two of the more common solderability test methods; namely the older 'Dip and Look' method and the newer Wetting Balance method as described in IPC ANSI/J-STD-002. Testing was performed on ...
Specifications include: Incoming inspection of all types of components – SMD’s, PCB Test Coupons, for quantitative and comparative Solderability measurements. In total compliance with international standards and specifications: ANSI/J-STD 002
The ANSI/J-STD-002 solderability test recognizes three steam aging categories. Category 1 No Steam Aging Requirements Minimum Coating Durability Intended for surfaces which will be soldered within a short period of time (e.g., up to 6 months) from the time of testing and are likely to be ...
000 September 2004 The Communications Edge TMApplication Note Solderability Test Report for WJ Products With Lead-Free Package Finish Package Type: SOT-89 Summary: 10 samples of the WJC lead-free SOT-89 package were subjected to the solderability test in accordance with IPC/EIA/JEDEC J-STD-002...
MIUST III Solderability Test (wetting balance) Description: MUST System III – Solderability test system (wetting balance) tests to IEC 60068-2-54 and 60068-2-69, MIL-STD-883 Method 2022, IPC/IEC J-STD003A, IPC/IEC/JEDEC J-STD-002B and EIA/JET-7401. Includes everything needed for al...
First to show a present snapshot of incoming component solderability, and secondly, attempt to compare two of the more common solderability test methods; namely the older 'Dip and Look' method and the newer Wetting Balance method as described in IPC ANSI/J-STD-002. Testing was performed on ...
Define solderability. solderability synonyms, solderability pronunciation, solderability translation, English dictionary definition of solderability. n metallurgy the characteristic of being solderable Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridge
2.3 Test method. The test method used (from ANSI/J-STD-002) shall be as follows: a. Test A - for through-hole mount and surface mount leaded components, solid wire less than .045 inch diameter and stranded wire 18 AWG or smaller. If not otherwise specified in the procurement document,...