Dad used a BC-348 in the service. Looking for one. FB. Adam N0ZIB –“Silent Shep” site --- with some ham radio shows I had not seen. Walter KA4KXX in Orlando has a similar subtraction problem with San Jian counter. Bill N5ALO sent me a really nice KLH speaker. I’m using ...
37,64 (2) A coating can serve as a barrier layer between the solder and substrate material (or coating) to prevent solid-state interactions (intermetallic compound layer growth) between them during service. 3.3 Fluxes The flux serves three purposes during the soldering process: (1) it removes...
Greg York has over thirty two years of service in Electronics industry. York has installed over 600 Lead Free Lines in Europe with Solder and flux systems as well as Technical Support on SMT lines and trouble shooting. Since changing the used solder paste with fresh oneimproved the solder wett...
Greg York has over thirty two years of service in Electronics industry. York has installed over 600 Lead Free Lines in Europe with Solder and flux systems as well as Technical Support on SMT lines and trouble shooting. It is very difficult to connect the two - did you run the same assembl...
Microelectronic solder joints are typically exposed to aggressive thermome-chanical cycling (TMC) conditions during service.During TMC,strain localization occurs near solder/bond pad interfaces,where large,inelastic-shear strains accumulate,eventually causing low-cycle fatigue (LCF) failure of the joint....
TEM investigations were carried out using the facilities at the University Service Center for Transmission Electron Microscopy at the Vienna University of Technology. OPEN ACCESS This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creative...
on the exclusive rights over a design, but on quality and service. So the company that wins is the one that offers the best product at the best price, and has the best customer service. So far, even though there are super cheap clones, people tend to buy from the original manufacturer...
Irrespective of near eutectic composition, these alloys contain IMCs dispersed in β-Sn matrix. As reported by Lehman et al. [10], mechanical durability of such alloy at service depends on relative orientation and microstructure formation of such IMCs in β-Sn matrix. It was observed that, ...
systemctl --user enable gcr-ssh-agent.service Whereupon, after a reboot presumably causingsystemdto make the right thing perform the right act at the right time, It Just Worked™. I used to have some mild sysadmin mojo, but obviously if you don’t do it all the time, everything you ...
ical loading during service the IMCs grow and may reach a thickness of 20 µm and more. Addition- ally, Kirkendall voids nucleate and grow(mainly) within the IMCs. The Kirkendall effect can be de- scribed as follows: neighboring phases or compounds change in a way that the volume of...