Solder-It Solder Paste 2.4版本安全数据表说明书 Safety Data Sheet according to Regulation (EC) No Trade name: Solder-It Product No:Version: 2.4 / EN ___SECTION 1: Identification of the sub 1.1 Product identifier: Solder -___1.2. Relevant identified uses of th 1.2.1 Relevant ide...
Safety Data Sheet 775-2Solder Paste 12thApril 2001 Rev 01 Page 1 1. Product Identification Product Code Trade Name Manufacturer 775-2 Solder Paste Delta ™ Solder Paste Qualitek-Europe Ltd Unit 9 Apex Court,Bassendale Road Bromborough,Wirral.CH62 3RE. UK. Fax 44(0)151-346-1408 Tel 44(...
PRODUCT DATA SHEET NC-SMQ230 Pb-Free Solder Paste Introduction NC-SMQ230 is an air reflow, no-clean solder paste specifically formulated to accommodate the higher processing temperatures required by the SnAgCu, SnAgBi, SnAg, and other Pb-free alloy systems favored by the electronics industry to ...
two hours before use to allow the solder paste to reach an ambient working temperature. As the time to reach thermal equilibrium will vary with container size, verify solder paste temperature prior to use. Label jars and cartridges with the date and time of opening.Material Safety Data Sheets ...
MSDS-焊膏 solder paste-MSDS 热度: 高效排屑换热的多层钎焊金刚石薄壁小孔钻的研究 热度: 一种具有穿透式过孔焊盘的PCB线路板 热度: Protel默认的焊盘是圆形,也可以设置为方形和八角形,比较特殊的异形焊盘只能用和焊盘属性相同的线条和块来拼。再加上阻焊层就行了。和焊盘属性相同的线条和块应该是阻焊的。
TongFang Solder Paste TF225S-M305NI-D-885 TDS
aSolder paste thickness gauge internal calibration data sheet 焊剂浆糊β测厚计内部定标数据表[translate] aPaste thickness gauge internal calibration data sheet 浆糊β测厚计内部定标数据表[translate] aSolder paste thickness internal calibration data sheet 焊剂浆糊厚度内部定标数据表[translate]...
Semiconductor Powder Tacky Paste &Epibond Adhesive Chemical for Solders Special Metal Wire/alloy Solder Wick and Tools Ribbon Solder Mixer Machine SEARCH Download • BBIEN PRODUCTS CATALOG Download • Standard Profile of Sn63Pb37 and Sn62Pb36Ag2 solder paste Download 1 ABOUT...
SN100C solder paste(asahi)Asahi Chemical Research Laboratory Co., Ltd.Pb Free Product ASAHI CREAM SOLDER ACS-SN100C ASAHI CHEMICAL RESEARCH LABORATORY Co., LTD.Utsuki Factory 656 Utsuki-cho, Hachioji-city, Tokyo 192-0024 TEL : 042-644-2661 FAX : 042-644-2621 E-mail : sales@asahi-kagaku...
Solder paste is a combination of powdered metal solder and flux medium. It is applied on the board with the help of a stencil or foil.