Security Event Manager (SEM) 将是 24/7 全天候监测可疑活动,并实时应对以减轻其影响。 快速查看价值 虚拟设备部署、直观 UI 和现成内容,意味着您可以凭借最少专业知识在最短时间内从日志中获取宝贵数据。 轻松合规性报告和审查 利用审查认可的报告和工具,缩短准备并证明 HIPAA、PCI DSS、SOX 等合规性需要的时...
通过易于使用、价格合理的 SolarWinds Security Event Manager(原来的 Log & Event Manager)改善安全状态。享用免费试用版!
对于SolarWinds Security Event Manager, 这个文件位于contego/run/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/flex/services-config.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><services-config><services><service-includefile-path="remoting-config.xml"/><service-includefile-path="proxy-config.xml"/><service-includef...
Improve your security posture with an easy-to-use, affordable SolarWinds Security Event Manager (formerly Log & Event Manager). Try a free trial!
Security Event Manager ONBOARDING & UPGRADING NEW TO SOLARWINDS UPGRADE RESOURCE CENTER ONBOARDING NEW TO SOLARWINDS You just bought your first product. Now what? Find out more about how to get the most out of your purchase. From installation and configuration to training and support,...
Security Event Manager ONBOARDING & UPGRADING NEW TO SOLARWINDS UPGRADE RESOURCE CENTER ONBOARDING NEW TO SOLARWINDS You just bought your first product. Now what? Find out more about how to get the most out of your purchase. From installation and configuration to training and s...
aAnd you can rest assured that SolarWinds Log & Event Manager also meets the security monitoring and log management requirements imposed by every major auditing authority. 并且您能放心SolarWinds日志&事件经理也符合每主要验核的当局强加的安全监视和日志管理要求。[translate]...
SolarWinds offers many security and compliance related tools, allowing you to create powerful, affordable, and easy-to-use solutions to assist you in making your IT solution more secure. Find out more about products, features, release notes and more.
最新日志LogEventamp日志管理和事件管理 系统标签: solarwindslogeventmanager日志事件 SolarWindsLog&EventManagerbasedontechnologyfromtrigeo®®SolarWindsLog&EventManager(LEM)isbasedonthepowerfultechnologyfromTriGeo®combiningreal-timeloganalysis,eventcorrelation,andadhocsearchtodeliverthevisibility,security,andcont...
•OrionIPSLAManager •OrionEnterpriseOperationsConsole ThefollowingfeaturesarecurrentlyavailableiworkAtlas: ConnectNow TheConnectNowtoolinOrioworkAtlasallowsyoutoinstantlydraw linesbetweenmappedobjectsthataredirectly,physicallyconnected.For moreinformation,see“ConnectingObjectsAutomaticallywithConnectNow” onpage15. ...