A mode of operation for the solar inverter that uses a battery or batteries to provide backup energy in the event of grid failure. Battery A device that is used to store energy using chemical reactions and has a positive and negative charge. Batteries store energy in DC form, and inverters...
Operation ID: InverterTechnicalData Return specific inverter data for a given timeframe. Parameters 展開資料表 NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription The site identifier site_id True integer The site identifier The serial number of the equipment equipment_id True string The serial number of the equipment...
Inverter, inVolte, Inżynieria PV, IR-Eco, JA Elektryk, JB Energia, JM Energy, K&K Energia, Kaemia, Karlik Energy, KDP Invest, Klimtech, KN Instal, Kominox, Kosmopell, Kraina OZE, KRK Solar, Kwartz, Lantar, LMV Group, Lucart Energy, Voltaic System, MAM Energy, Manufaktura Energii...
Operation ID: InverterTechnicalData Return specific inverter data for a given timeframe. Parameters 展开表 NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription The site identifier site_id True integer The site identifier The serial number of the equipment equipment_id True string The serial number of the equipment ...
TOU Time of Use. A utility rate structure that charges consumers more at the highest demand times of day. True Up Bill The culmination of the energy credits generated by producing power from solar and the amount you owe the utility company for using power from the grid. This is reconciled...