品牌: Solar Turbines 功率: 17,500 千瓦 热耗率: 9620 千焦/千瓦时 排气流量: 205,400 公斤/小时 排气温度: 480摄氏度 燃烧系统: SoLoNOx (DLE) 常规 优势: 根据运行条件,可以延长大修间隔时间 行业: 石油和天然气 进口: 是 Solar Turbines涡轮气体压缩机组Titan 130高效单循环燃气轮机 价...
The Solar Titan 130 is a gas turbine produced by Solar Turbines Incorporated. It is a smaller model with a power output of approximately 400 horsepower. It is based on the closed-cycle gas turbine technology, which uses a closed loop of helium or other inert gas as the working fluid. It...
As with all other Solar gas turbines, the Titan 130 also features a low emission combustion system based on Solar's proven dry, lean-premixed, pollution-prevention technology. The enhanced system is capable of reducing pollutant emissions over an extended operating range from full-load to part-...
Solar Turbines 燃气轮机设备 厂家直销 新款 Solar Turbines (CATERPILLAR INC.) 查看详情 ¥255.00/千克 江苏无锡 GH3039毛细管-GH3039工业燃气轮机-GH3039常用类型 类型 无缝管 江苏劲国重工机械有限公司 2年 查看详情 面议 气轮机-就选山东桑特-可定制-领取今日福利 厂家直销 多场景 山东桑特节能工程有限公...
Solar Turbines:太阳能发电机组太阳,发电机组,Solar,太阳能,solar,发电机,发 电机,sola,lunar 文档格式: .pdf 文档大小: 3.48M 文档页数: 27页 顶/踩数: 0/0 收藏人数: 1 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 论文--毕业论文 文档标签: 太阳发电机组Solar太阳能solar发电机发电机solalunar ...
Solar Turbines 提供满足电力需求的电力解决方案。除了发电,公用事业在转向热电联供(CHP,Combined Heat and Power)/联供,因为它很环保、有弹性而且电价更低。
Solar Turbines 的燃气涡轮机可以集成热电联供(CHP,Combined Heat and Power),能显著提升能源效率。燃气涡轮机解决方案的一个好处是,当炼油厂产量变化和各种气体生产商/消费者上线或下线时,可以单独使用或混合使用蒸汽。
Palmer’s analysis points out another difficulty with wind and solar: The energy payback is terribly slow. If we burn fossil fuels, the economy gets a payback immediately. If we manufacture wind turbines or solar panels, there is a far longer period of something that might be called, “e...
Others General steam generation 130–210 Figure 10 Worldwide locations of thermal plants (nonpower-generation) using PTC systems. CSP is the most popular PTC application for electricity generation. CSP plants generate electricity using solar-assisted turbines or integrated systems with combined cycles, ...
Solar 移动涡轮机械(SMT,Solar Mobile Turbomachinery)是在工业应用中提供油田电力、远程电力和拖车电力,以及在紧急情况(如自然灾害)下需要快速供电时的最佳解决方案。这种单拖车设计是一个成套移动发电站,具有广泛的燃料成分灵活性。该解决方案基于 5.7 MWe Taurus 60 燃气涡轮发电机组(成熟行业标准)。SMT60 是可扩展电...