1) solar thermal electricity generation 太阳热发电技术 2) Solar Thermal Power Generation Technology 太阳能热发电技术 例句>> 3) photovoltaic power generation technology 太阳能发电技术 1. The problems and tendencys for development of industry ofphotovoltaic power generation technologyin China, from five ...
Solar thermal electricity generation - Schlaich - 1994 () Citation Context ...in this work are parabolic trough (PT), central receiver (CR), and parabolic dish (PD). Their principles and characteristics are described in detail elsewhere (Trieb et al, 1997; Mancini et al, 1994; =-=Schlaich...
Solar Thermal Electricity Generation EURELIOS, the 1 MW(el) Helioelectric Power Plant of the European CommunitiesThe different technologies of solar thermal power electricity conversion are discussed and the main power plants under construction or already in operation are listed.doi:10.1080/...
This chapter reviews solar thermal electricity generation. It also presents the perspectives and potential of this technology for market development and highlights its importance for abating global climatic change. It is noted that solar thermal conversion in China is developing fast—especially, all-gla...
The thermal storage system can store energy when insolation is generally available. Alternatively or additionally, the thermal energy may be derived from electricity from the electrical grid. For example, the thermal energy can store energy when the electrical grid has excess electricity available for ...
The solar thermal energy storage power station can generate electricity with or without direct sunlight, thanks to the heliostats and the molten salt, while achieving stable all-day power output. Two adjacent heat-absorbing towers, sharing one turbine generator, are settled in the power station. ...
aSolar thermal technology uses solar heat, which can be used directly for either thermal or heating application or electricity generation. Accordingly, it can be divided into two categories: (i) solar thermal non-electric and (ii) solar thermal electric. 太阳热量技术使用太阳热,可以直接地为上升...
In this paper a unified model of a solar electric generation system (SEGS) is developed using a thermo-hydrodynamic model of a trough collector combined with a model of a traditional steam power-house. The model evaluates thermal properties, steam flow rate and pressure drop in a direct steam...
Solar electricity generation using concentrating solar thermal collectors faces the challenge of strongly decreased levelized electricity costs by photovoltaic power plants. One of the selling points favouring solar thermal power is the possibility to generate dispatchable power. Concepts discussed here are so...
Solarelectricalenergygeneration Alongwitheconomicaldevelopment,societysprogress,thepeopletothe energyproposedthatmoreandmorehighrequest,seeksforthenewenergyto becometheurgenttopicwhichthecurrenthumanityfaces.Theexistingenergy mainlyhas3kinds,namelythermalpower,waterandelectricityandnuclearpower. Thethermalpowerneedstoburn...