太阳系(solar_system) 资源编号 :40305892 格式:pot 文件体积 :1018k 爱给网提供海量的PPT资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为pot 格式的太阳系(solar_system), 本站编号40305892, 该PPT素材大小为1018k, 作者为DaveOfDefeat2248, 更多精彩PPT素材,尽在爱给网。
Solar System. Solar System Planets These are the nine planets that we all are aware of. Grouping of Planets Inner Planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars and the planets closest to the sun These four planets are TERRESTRIAL planets They are small and their densities are high The Planets Merc...
solar systemPPT SolarSystemTemplate YourSubTitleHere TransitionalPage TransitionalPage TransitionalPage
系统标签: solar systemppt planet powerpoint presentation jupiter 4 th Grade P.S.#1 EdytheGologorsky SteveTurner SunSun OurBrightestStarOurBrightestStar •ApproximatelyonemillionEarths canfitinsidetheSun. •ThecenteroftheSun,ismadeof helium. •Therearedarkblotchesonthe Sun'ssurfacecalledSunspots. Thes...
1、Solar System Speaker : carol,content,Star Planet and Satellite Comet Extra-terrestrial,Milky way galaxylksi,Solar system,How many planet in solar system,Mercury m:kjuri水星 Venus vi:ns金星 Earth 地球 Mars 火星 Jupiter du:pit木星 Saturn stn土星 Uranusjurns天王星 Neptune neptju:n海王星,Pluto...
管理/人力资源 > 管理学资料 > solar systemPPT模板 打印 转格式 94阅读文档大小:1.0M5页dxypla73上传于2015-05-12格式:PPT
水星MercuryEachplanetinoursolarsystemisunique.Forexample,Mercuryisthesmallestplanet.Ithaslot’sofcraters,justlikeourmoon.金星Venus 地球Earth 火星Mars 水星是太阳系内与地球相似的4颗类地行星之一,有着与地球一样的岩石个体。它是太阳系中最小的行星,在赤道的半径是2,439.7公里。水星由...
Introduction of Solar System(太阳系八大行星介绍).ppt,Made by Elsa Ren Our solar system is nearly five billion years old. It is made up of planets, dwarf planets, and more than 170 moons, as well as dust, gas, and thousands of asteroids and comets, all or
8.1 The Search for Origins Our goals for learning: How did we arrive at a theory of solar system formation? Where did the solar system come from? © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. How did we arrive at a theory of solar system formation? Four major features needed to be explained Several...
Solar system AvisittotheSpaceMuseum MissGuoandherstudentsarewatchingaslideintheSpaceMuseum.Itisaboutthesolarsystem.Thesolarsystem ab c d e g f h i PlanetsDoyouknowthenamesoftheseplanets?adgMercury(水星)bVenus(金星)cMars(火星)eJupiter(木星)fUranus(天王星)hNeptune(海王星)iEarth(地球)Saturn...