After data cleaning, for each frequency bin,i, we can get the average value\({\bar{O}}_{i}\)and the standard deviation\({\sigma }_{{\bar{O}}_{i}}\)as the statistical uncertainty of the time series. We parameterize the background locally by fitting each frequency bin and its adja...
These second-order coupled equation can be approximated to first-order linearized wave equations using the WKB approximation, as the spatial variation of the plasma frequency occurs on a much larger scale than the wavelength of DPDM. Consequently, we have\({\partial }_{t}^{2}-{\partial }_{...
(2011) presented a hybrid system combining photovoltaic, piezoelectric, thermoelectric, and electromagnetic mechanisms which could deliver more power than a stand-alone EH. Again, a hybrid energy harvesting technique based on solar radiation and mechanical vibration was proposed by Rahman and Chakravarty ...
Long-term stability remains a key issue impeding the commercialization of halide perovskite solar cells (HPVKSCs). The diffusion of molecules and ions causes irreversible degradation to photovoltaic device performance. Here, we demonstrate a facile strat
In vitro comparison of the vitamin D endocrine system in 1,25(OH)2D3-responsive and -resistant melanoma cells. Cancer Biol Ther 2007; 6:48-55. 32. Grant WB. An estimate of premature cancer mortality in the US due to inadequate doses of solar ultraviolet-B radiation. Cancer 2002; 94...
The fish are reared in a Techniplast recirculating system under 14:10 hour light/dark photocycle. For breeding, a stock of non-treated mature zebrafish is used for egg production. 12 hours day/night regime prior to the breeding, males and females were kept at a ratio 1:2 in a ...
According to the KS test, the TES models with 1 and 2 nodes are rejected, while the modeling using 10 nodes is accepted. This behavior is consistent with the dispersion of DTW observed in Figure 9, where using 1 and 2 nodes for modeling the TES system results in errors ranging from 2%...
This study explores advanced methodologies for estimating subcanopy solar radiation using LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging)-derived point clouds and GIS (Geographic Information System)-based models, with a focus on evaluating the impact of different LiDAR data types on model performance. The research...
In fact, the world energy crisis of that decade prompted research on thermal energy storage, where PCMs came out as the most promising alternative. One of the earliest uses of PCMs in the PV system temperature regulation was reported in 1978 [27]. Huang et al. (2004) [28] first ...
In order to meet the electricity needs of domestic or commercial buildings, solar energy is more attractive than other renewable energy sources in terms of its simplicity of installation, less dependence on the field and its economy. It is possible to ex