For over six decades, Solar Screen Co. Inc. has been a trusted leader in the shade industry. Founded in 1960, our company began as a small, family-owned business and has grown into a respected provider of high-quality solar shades, including outdoor, indoor, and motorized options. Solar ...
Through your Skylight! Don’t despise your skylight! Skylights are beneficial. They brighten normally dark areas in your home during the day with free natural sunlight. There is a simple, economical alternative to reduce the unwanted, annoying heat and glare – CoolSunSkylight Shades. CoolSun...
and six weeks after, the solstice, due to “thermal lag” from the thermal mass of the Earth, the temperature and solar gain requirements are quite different before and after the summer or winter solstice. Movable shutters, shades, shade screens, or window quilt...
A further comparison showed that Case 3 increased with WWR compared to Case 2. This is because Case 2 did not benefit from BIPV output, and featured more energy consumption through cooling. To investigate the energy implications for the increase in WWR, the ratio of energy benefits to consumpti...