Solar maximum and minimum refer to periods of maximum and minimum sunspot counts and a solar cycle spans from one sunspot minimum to the next. Solar cycles 22, 23 and 24 had durations of 9.9, 12.3 and 12 years respectively. However, our work concentrated on the entire periods of all the ...
2. 太阳极大期 随著‘太阳极大期’(solar maximum)逐渐接近,以及新一代精简但易受攻击的卫星电子设备部署,太空气象学专家们正加紧致力於 …|基于98个网页 3. 太阳活动峰 每11年,太阳经历一个叫做“太阳活动峰(solar maximum)”的活动期,紧接着一个叫做“太阳活动谷(solar minimum)”的宁静...
Cycle 23 is estimated to have lasted 12 years and 3 months. Maximum conditions have been reached in the northern region, whereas the southern region is still lagging. Finally, the rate of coronal mass ejections follows well the solar activity. 展开 ...
The solar cycle is reviewed. The 11-year cycle of solar activity is characterized by the rise and fall in the numbers and surface area of sunspots. A number of other solar activity indicators also vary in association with the sunspots including; the 10.7 cm radio flux, the total solar irrad...
,Anderson,and,R.E.,Erlandson,and,T.摘要: Ion cyclotron wave (Pc1 pulsation) activity on the ground has been found to depend strongly on solar activity: Pc1 pulsations occur considerably more often during solar minimum than solar maximum conditions. We have now studied Pc1 wave activity ...
If we presume cycle 23 to be a long cycle (as is less likely), the minimum of cycle 24 should occur about June 2008 (±2 months) and the maximum, about February 2013 (±8 months) and the maximum will be about 137 or 80, according as the cycle is a fast riser or a slow riser...
from different sensors in an objective way using a maximum likelihood estimator. However, this new method still relies on the time series produced by the individual instrument teams, which often suffer from at least some level of subjectivity in the assessment and correction of instrument degradation...
The maximum amplitude (R<SUB>m</SUB>) of a solar cycle, in the term of mean sunspot numbers, is well-known to be positively correlated with the preceding minimum (R<SUB>min</SUB>). So far as the long term trend is concerned, a low level of R<SUB>min</SUB> tends to be followe...
Those were electrifying days: the IUE and Einstein/HEAO-2 spacecraft had been launched in 1978 to observe, among other things, cool stars like the Sun, followed in 1980 by the Solar Maximum Mission (SMM) on the solar side. Discoveries of coronal mass ejections (CMEs, first observed with...
As ICMEs are more frequent during solar maximum than during solar minimum (Bothmer and Schwenn, 1998), they contribute to the 11-year cycle in magnetospheric activity. Similarly to ICMEs, any coherent solar wind structures including long-lasting, high-intensity southward interplanetary fields drive ...