Which upcoming lunar and solar eclipses are visible in Bend, Oregon, USA, and what do they look like?
Oregon will only see a partial eclipse of the Sun on April 8, 2024. The most coverage of the disk
In Seattle and Portland, Oregon, about as far away as you can get in the continental U.S., one-third of the sun will be swallowed. This story was reported from Los Angeles. The Associated Press contributed. EclipsesU.S.BREAKING NEWS Breaking news delivered fast By clicking Sign Up, I ...
Which upcoming lunar and solar eclipses are visible in Salem, Oregon, USA, and what do they look like?
A Once-in-a-Lifetime Festival of Science, Music, and Celestial Wonder. Celebrate the eclipse August 19–21, 2017 in Eastern Oregon in partnership with On August 21, 2017, the continental United States will experience the first total solar eclipse to span the entire country since 1918. Atlas...
During the 2017 total solar eclipse, among gasps I heard unsettled cries across the high Oregon desert. In her seminal 1982 essay Total Eclipse, Annie Dillard reported hearing rattled people staring up at the eclipsed sun. "From all the hills came screams," she wrote....
Eclipse enthusiasts are staking out their spots across three countries, fervently hoping for clear skies.
On August 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse moved from the Pacific to the Atlantic, throwing a narrow corridor through 14 U.S. states under the moon's shadow in the first coast-to-coast totality for 99 years. On that day, the shadow moved from Oregon across the U.S. to South Carolina...
Accurate observations of solar eclipses in the 19th century were sparse until the solar eclipse of July 18, 1860. The Moon’s shadow came in from the Pacific Ocean near where Portland, Oregon, is now located, then moved northeastward across Washington Territory into Canada. This eclipse is re...
I lucked out in 2017 and successfully made plans to see the total solar eclipse just a couple weeks before the day. I began planning my 2024 excursion today. The initial planned viewing site? Near Austin TX. What will you do? My advice: whether you're 8 or 80, don't miss it. Havin...