Exploring Hinduism || Hindu Festivals, Pujas, Vratas, Hindu Saints, Hindu Dharma Updates, Astrology Predictions, Solar Eclipse, Lunar Eclipse, Muhurats, Fairs & Melas, Temples, Holy Places, Pilgrimages, Rituals, Traditions, Celebrations, Scientific Aspec
other earthly events. However, this belief was refuted explicitly by the Prophet Muhammad in the year 632 C.E, when the death of his son coincided with a solar eclipse: "The Sun and the Moon are from among the evidences of God. They do not eclipse because of someone's death or life...
The related word solar is the usual adjectival term used, in terms such as solar day, solar eclipse, and Solar System. The English weekday name Sunday stems from Old English (Sunnandæg; "Sun's day", from before 700) and is ultimately a result of a Germanic interpretation of Latin ...