In Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 39th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC 2013), Tampa, FL, USA, 16–21 June 2013; pp. 3500–3503. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Hara, K.; Ichinose, H.; Murakami, T.N.; Masuda, A. Crystalline Si photovoltaic modules based on TiO2-coated cover glass...
Unfortunately, the transportation belt of the lab-type APCVD reactor is made out of metal, which provides advantages in terms of the versatility of the system to deposit, alongside doped glasses, TiO2, AlOx, and in situ doped aSi/polySi. Industrial-type transport systems for the wafers use pu...
A chilly, midday darkness fell across North America as a total solar eclipse raced across the continent.
Along with Pluto, Sun, and Mercury, soon Saturn will be in Capricorn; certainly, this is a difficult eclipse for you. But Capricorns would not have it any other way. It is almost as if someone gets their head shaved and the hair comes back thicker and more beautiful than ever. Then a...