Lensesarerefractors. They are just refractors for camera bodies with a specific mount and sometimes with internal focus mechanisms. They're more complex than a simple doublet through (camera lenses) because they are virtually all very fast focal-ratio so they need extra elements to essentially ...
Also, check out Lens Rentals' blog post where they discuss damaged gear returned from the eclipse in 2017. You'll see a number of examples of damaged gear, including super telephoto lenses with damage from improperly used solar filters. ...
Solar glasses and filters in a variety of sizes for camera lenses, binoculars or telescopes are available from most astronomy shops. I’ve successfully used pre-assembled and home-made filters with Baader Astro Solar film for all three of my solar eclipses, and I can also recommend products b...
Research the date, time, and location of the solar eclipse, and look for an unobstructed view of the Sun Ensure you have the proper equipment, including a manual camera, tripod, telephoto lens, and certified eye protection/solar filters Attach your certified solar filter to your camera lens, ...
This standard does not apply to solar filters that fit in the front of devices such as camera lenses, so make sure you're purchasing a proper solar filter to fit when photographing the partial phases of the eclipse. Keep the setup simple ...
“[A] customer used a drop in solar filter to protect the camera from being damaged by the eclipse,”writes Zach Sutton of LensRentals. “He was right, the camera was protected… but the lens iris was not protected.” Thankfully, there were relatively few items that were returned to Le...
During a solar eclipse, a New Moon obscures some or all of the sun. A partial solar eclipse is a mildly interesting event that must be observed using eye protection and solar filters. A total solar eclipse is a far grander and more nuanced spectacle. As the last slither of sunlight is...
Solar eclipse glasses can be used to safely view a total solar eclipse, but it's important to make sure they're of the right quality. Don't use sunglasses, smoked glass, an unfiltered telescope and magnifiers or polarized filters as a way to view the eclipse. ...
Filters: Most sources suggest using a filter to protect the camera sensor – we follow this recommendation. Better be safe than sorry… but since special filters can be really pricey, you can try and use a filter sheet of eclipse glasses. Alternatively, you can also get sheets of special pr...
For those who wear eyeglasses, wear eclipse glasses on top of them or hold up a handheld viewer in front of them. And remember to outfit any camera lenses, binoculars or telescopes used to observe the eclipse with the proper solar filters. Never look through an unfil...