Decide on the token’s decimal places (default is 9). Use thespl-tokenCLI to create the token mint: spl-token create-token –program-id TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb –enable-metadata mntTymSqMU4e1NEDdxJ9XoPN4MitCgQ7xxGW6AuRAWQ.json Note:Extensions like transfer fees can o...
Solana Minty: The ultimate platform for creating and managing Solana tokens. Mint SPL tokens, Token-2022, and manage Openbook markets without coding. Free and easy to use.
const isDevnet = true; // (Optional) if not present TX takes place in Mainnet const withPool = true; // (Optional) only present if NFT will be created with a Liquidity Pool for a specific SPL token const priorityFeeParam = 1000000; // (Optional) if not present the default priority ...
The Solana Program Library (SPL) is a collection of on-chain programs that Solana developers can use to build and interact with decentralized applications. One of the most prominent components of SPL is the SPL Token standard, which defines how tokens should be created, transferred, and managed ...
Solana Web3.js - Core Solana interactions SPL Token - Token program interactions Jupiter - Token swap aggregation Birdeye - Price feeds and analytics Helius - Enhanced RPC services Anchor - Smart contract framework FOMO - Token creation and trading - Token creation and tradingSpecial...
For more information see theSPL documentationand theToken TypeDocs. Deployments Only a subset of programs within the Solana Program Library repo are deployed to the Solana Mainnet Beta. Currently, this includes: Audits Only a subset of programs within the Solana Program Library repo are audited. ...
An array of token balances for each token account in the block after the transactions were processed (omitted if inner instruction recording is not enabled) preBalances An array of lamport balances for each account in the block before the transactions were processed preTokenBalances An array of to...
In addition to fungible tokens, the SPL token standard allows for the creation of non-fungible tokens as well. Both fungible and NFTs must follow wallet integration and account-specific rules outlined in the Solana Program Libary documentation. Next to SOL, the list of the largest market cap to...