Solana price today What is the live price of Solana? The price of Solana has increased today.1 SOL currently costs €243.36, which represents a change of +0.66% in the last hour and a change of +2.78% in the last 24 hours. What is the 24-hour current trading volume for Solana?
Solana price today What is the live price of Solana? The price of Solana has decreased today.1 SOL currently costs €198.21, which represents a change of +0.37% in the last hour and a change of -0.75% in the last 24 hours. What is the 24-hour current trading volume for Solana?
The price of Solana is $167.86. Buy Solana - SOL with $1. Invest in SOL cryptocurrency with Robinhood in the easiest and fastest way.
Solana price, charts, volume, market cap, supply, news, exchange rates, historical prices, sol to USD converter, sol coin complete info/stats.
A decisive breakdown below $180.50 increases the risks of Solana price dropping toward the H&S target of around $110, down by over 40% from current prices. However, if SOL holds above the neckline, a potential recovery toward the local high of $215 could follow, invalidating the H&S ou...
Solana price is up today as a combination of technical and fundamental factors paint a bullish outlook for the SOL token. Solanaprice continues its recovery today, matching the upside moves elsewhere in the crypto market as Bitcointrades above $105,000. ...
Solana price predictions: buy opportunity coming when SOL gets closer to $200 in 2025 while SOL prediction 2025 is very bullish with new ATH.
Check out the latest Solana (SOL) news today! We cover price, forecasts & all the newest updates. NewsBTC keeps you up to date with crypto!
Solana price prediction February 2025 Solana’s price prediction for February 2025 suggests a range of outcomes based on current market trends and analysis. The forecast anticipates SOL fluctuating between a minimum of $169.92 and an average of $179.96, and potentially reaching a maximum of $271.73...
NamePriceChgChg % Euro $1.0380 0.0001 0.01% Japanese Yen ¥150.62 -0.01 0.00% Australian Dollar $0.6207 -0.0001 -0.02% Canadian Dollar $1.4470 0.0006 0.04% Euro/Japanese Yen ¥156.35 0.08 0.05% Euro/Swiss Franc CHF0.9373 0.0001 0.01% Mexican Peso $20.5457 -0.0058 -0.03% New Zealand Dollar...