在Instruction Details 部分,Token 交易通常首先调用 Create Associated Account 指令,为接收方创建一个 Token 账户(如果接收方尚未有相应账户),用于存储 USDT 余额等数据。 接着执行 Token Transfer 指令,完成 USDT 的转账。值得注意的是,与 SOL Transfer 指令不同,Token Transfer 指令中的 Source 和 Destination 不...
Create a stake account conststakeAccount= solanaWeb3.Keypair.generate(); let createStakeAccountInstruction = solanaWeb3.StakeProgram.createAccount({fromPubkey: walletKeyPair.publicKey,stakePubkey: stakeAccount.publicKey,authorized:newsolanaWeb3.Authorized(walletKeyPair.publicKey, walletKeyPair.publicKey)...
Create an account, jump in, and in no time, you'll be watching SOL coins making their way into your digital wallet. What's next? Spend, swap, or save. Your move, champ! 💃🕺🎤 Mine SOL for Free? It's Real! Want to Get Solana for Free? Let’s Play a Game! You've got...
Anyone can create a “stake account” of any balance and delegate it to any validator. Pools can then be built on top. For stake accounts, reference the table “staking_solana.stake_actions”. For liquid staking, check out my guide. ERC Standards: They don’t exist 🙃. This is one ...
To stake SOL tokens, you must use a wallet that supports staking. SOL tokens in your wallet must first be moved into a stake account. You can create as many stake accounts as you like, and deposit as much or as little SOL into each stake account as you want. Each new stake account...
Choose the validator.com staking account you wish to unstake. Click the purple "Unstake" button in the bottom right. This will deactivate the Stake, and when the epoch ends (you can check the epoch length at Solana Beach or Solstake, you can withdraw). ...
null, // Account that will control the freezing of the token 0 // Location of the decimal place ); createMint函数将用于创建实际代币,它需要以下参数: 与Solana 网络的连接(connection) 将要支付费用的账户(fromWallet) 有权铸造此代币的账户的公钥(fromWallet.publicKey) ...
Solana是一个高性能区块链平台,可实现可扩展性和低交易费用。为了获得外国账户的代币余额,您需要遵循以下步骤: 1. 创建Solana钱包:首先,在Solana上创建一个钱包来存储您的代币。您可以...
Create an account.You may need to provide your personal information and verify your identity. Fund your account.Transfer SOL to your custodial wallet from an exchange or another wallet. You may need to use the wallet's address orQR codeto receive the SOL. Find the staking option.You should ...