... sol 溶胶,溶胶体 sol-gel technology 溶胶-凝胶工艺* sol-gel process 溶胶-凝胶法 ... www.guoxinyu.com|基于3个网页 2. 溶胶技术 (Reactive and non-reactive sputtering) 8-9,溶胶技术(Sol-gel technology)10-11,电化学沈积法 (Electrodeposition) 12-1…www.pdfio.com|基于2个网页 3. 凝胶...
(Reactive and non-reactive sputtering) 8-9,溶胶技术(Sol-gel technology)10-11,电化学沈积法 (Electrodeposition) 12-15 等。 www.pdfio.com|基于2个网页 3. 凝胶技术 ...amer, Ceramic Polymer)利用溶凝胶技术(Sol-gel Technology)制备有机-无机混成奈米复合材料之制程与材料特性之研究成果… ...
Monolithic highly porous aluminum oxide synthesized by sol-gel technology is buit of crystalline gamma-Al_2O_3 nanometer sized paritcles. In the present work hightly porous gamma - Al_2O_3 is doped with 3d (Cr~(3+) and 4f (Eu~(3+), Pr~(3+)) ions. Observation of narrow-band ...
The sol-gel method is known to produce materials from solutions either in bulk, coating films, fibers or powders. It is also known that this method makes low temperature processing of materials possible. This technology has dramatically grown in these two or three decades. Sol-Gel Science and ...
A Stationary Phase for Open Tubular Liquid Chromatography and Electrochromatography Using Sol-Gel Technology An organic-inorganic hybrid material was fabricated by the sol-gel method and cast as a thin glass film onto the inner walls of fused silica capillary colu... Y Guo,Colon LA - 《...
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology创刊于1993年,是一本由Springer出版的国际性学术期刊,涵盖了溶胶-凝胶科学和技术领域的研究成果。该期刊的出版频率为月刊,每年共出版12期。下面一起来关注该期刊的具体内容吧。 1、期刊简介 Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology的ISSN号为0928-0707,期刊的主编是Miche...
The Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology is a leading international forum for the dissemination of scientific, technological, and general knowledge about ...
Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China Citations 46,699 h-index 114 Publications 292 Raveau, Bernard B. CRISMAT - Laboratoire de Crystallographie et Sciences des Matériaux, Caen, France Citations 37,360 h-index 84 Publications
Sol-gel technology may also be used to create nanoparticles, nanorods, nanotubes [140]. Fig. 9 illustrates the sol-gel process of synthesis of nanomaterials. Sign in to download hi-res image Fig. 9. Schematic representation of the sol-gel process of synthesis of nanomaterials [141]. Sols ...
Abbasian M., Balali-Mood M., Amoli H.S., and Masoumi A., 2017. A new solid-phase microextraction fiber for separation and determination of methamphetamines in human urine using sol-gel technique. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 81(1), 247- 260....