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The silica-alumina sol bonding agent, prepared by the sol gel route from ethyl silicate and aluminium isopropanol, was utilized in the refractory castables. The influence of structure on the heat transfer has been investigated using different sorts of refractory matrix. The results indicated that the...
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As explained by the Minister for Education and Deputy Chairman of the Monetary Authority of Singapore Mr. Tharman Shanmugaratnam in the Second Reading speech inOoi, VincentSocial Science Electronic Publishing Business Trusts Act 2004 Cap 31A....
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High lithium ion conductive NASICON-type Li1.15Y0.15Zr1.85(PO4)3(LYZP) solid electrolyte was synthesized by a sol–gel method with lithium carbonate, zirconium nitrate, diammonium phosphate and yttrium nitrate as starting materials, and citric acid as an organic complexing agent. The LYZP precurso...