参数信息 品牌 sol de janeiro 型号 洗护套装 功效 滋润,修护,改善毛躁,丰盈蓬松,温和清洁、修护 产地 美国 香味 洗发水90ML+护发素90ML+护发喷雾30ML 包装种类 基础包装 适用发质 所有发质 规格类型 正常规格 是否为特殊用途化妆品 否 图文详情 本店推荐 By Kilian凯利安can't stop lovingyou情不自禁香水小样1.5...
25% - 50% (3) Clear Clear 4+ (74) Clear More Filters + Sort Popularity Price: Low to High Price: High to Low A - Z Newest Arrivals Percentage Discount Sol de Janeiro Exclusive & Limited Edition Perfume Mist Discovery Set 5 stars out of a maximum of 5 ...
Trova i prezzi più bassi su Sol de janeiro ✓ Scopri 81 modelli migliori ✓ Scopri le offerte ora
Sol de Janeiro is included in3 Expert Collections,includingDirect-To-Consumer Brands (Non-Food). D Direct-To-Consumer Brands (Non-Food) 1,192 items Startups selling their own branded products directly to consumers through owned e-commerce channels, rather than relying on department stores or bi...
SOL de Janeiro Rio Body Retreat Sephora 查看详情去购买 $24.00 SOL de Janeiro Brazilian Crush Cheirosa 62 Fragrance Mist 3 oz Walmart 查看详情去购买 MomentsMore Ulta 开箱 Rims40 快冲!Ulta满$60送Q香大礼包 Yummyy200 处女座♍️被Costco好物种草的一天 ...
Sol de Janeiro是巴西本土最有名的身体护理品牌,由毕业于耶鲁大学和哈佛商学院的欧莱雅、雅诗兰黛前员工Heela Yang在2015年创立。2021年,品牌被欧舒丹集团以4.5亿美元(约合人民币32.7亿元)的价格收购,Sol de Janeiro的出色表现让后者的销售额、股票大涨。收购前,它已是北美市场增长最快的高端身体护理品牌之一...
最近跟风入手了Sol de Janeiro的香水套装,看到好多ins博主都在用,尤其是68号和62号特别火。不过网上全是广告,没人出一个吐槽测评,于是我决定自己来试试,给大家分享一下我的感受。 68号:经典美国大妞味 首先是最火的68号,浅粉色的瓶子,被形容为经典美国大妞味。一开始是茉莉的味道,后来就是一种甜甜的、闷闷...
Sol de Janeiro Beija Flor Elasti-Body Oil 100ml 4.67 stars out of a maximum of 5 3 58.76€ Add to bag Sol de Janeiro Delícia Drench Shower Oil 385ml 4.4 stars out of a maximum of 5 10 25.99€ Add to bag Sol de Janeiro Delícia Drench Shower Oil 90ml 5 stars out of ...
Sol De Janeiro's popular hair and body mist is available solo or as a set featuring aromas similar to its best selling body products.
Sol de Janeiro brand:Sol de Janeiro (8 点评) 7 0 1 0 0 $35 已售罄 尺码: 尺码:2.5 fl oz 电子邮件 描述 成分 Create a luminous glow that accentuates all your features with Sol de Janeiro's Copacabana Bronze Glow Oil. This lightweight, skin-softening oil has a subtle bronze tint with...