Discover the sun-soaked spirit of Brazil with Sol de Janeiro, a playful body care brand that brings holiday vibes to your everyday routine. Indulge in divine, tropical-scented perfumes and body products that transport you to paradise whilst delivering incredible skincare benefits. ...
SOL de Janeiro Rio Body Retreat Sephora 查看详情去购买 $24.00 SOL de Janeiro Brazilian Crush Cheirosa 62 Fragrance Mist 3 oz Walmart 查看详情去购买 MomentsMore Ulta 开箱 Rims40 快冲!Ulta满$60送Q香大礼包 Yummyy200 处女座♍️被Costco好物种草的一天 ...
Sol de Janeiro Delicia Drench Body Butter Körperbutter 75 ml€ 3,50 Versand, 2–3 Tage€ 221,33/L Notino Sol de Janeiro Delicia Drench Tiefreinigende Feuchtigkeit spendende Körperbutter für trockene Haut 75 ml Niedrigster Preis· € 221,33/L Proshop Sol de Janeiro D...
最近跟风入手了Sol de Janeiro的香水套装,看到好多ins博主都在用,尤其是68号和62号特别火。不过网上全是广告,没人出一个吐槽测评,于是我决定自己来试试,给大家分享一下我的感受。 68号:经典美国大妞味 首先是最火的68号,浅粉色的瓶子,被形容为经典美国大妞味。一开始是茉莉的味道,后来就是一种甜甜的、闷闷...
Aptly named after the ‘Sun of January’ (which refers to when the Brazilian sun hits its highest point), Sol de Janeiro is here to serve up summer feelings all year round. Steeped in good-for-skin formulas powered by the Amazon's freshest ingredients, these sunshine-scented must-haves ins...
Sol de Janeiro是巴西本土最有名的身体护理品牌,由毕业于耶鲁大学和哈佛商学院的欧莱雅、雅诗兰黛前员工Heela Yang在2015年创立。2021年,品牌被欧舒丹集团以4.5亿美元(约合人民币32.7亿元)的价格收购,Sol de Janeiro的出色表现让后者的销售额、股票大涨。收购前,它已是北美市场增长最快的高端身体护理品牌之一...
sol de janeiro 品名 巴西热恋头发身体香氛喷雾 香味 62号焦糖味发香喷雾30ml 现货,限定晚香玉香体喷雾30ml 现货,76号温暖花香 香体喷雾30ml 现货,身体油 12ml/22年产 现货,焦糖味身体乳 25ml /22年产 现货,粉色花香味身体乳 7.5ml 现货,请自己功课,新款紫色身体乳 片装 7.5ml 现货 香调 其他香调 产地 其...
Sol de Janeiro is included in3 Expert Collections,includingDirect-To-Consumer Brands (Non-Food). D Direct-To-Consumer Brands (Non-Food) 1,192 items Startups selling their own branded products directly to consumers through owned e-commerce channels, rather than relying on department stores or bi...
Sol De Janeiro's popular hair and body mist is available solo or as a set featuring aromas similar to its best selling body products.
sol de janeiro 品名 巴西热恋头发身体香氛喷雾 产地 美国 包装种类 其他 是否为特殊用途化妆品 否 图文详情 0 本店推荐 mini腮红经典~NARS纳斯高潮提升气色炒鸡稀有腮红orgasm色号2.5g ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#REREREkeKBdbEXwkqRuBCqceqxA7EXwReQphGHkWyBG9F9EQvxQlGf0f9RZNEHkarR7dGY4KARHVHO4S/xKNFD4Keg=...