soixante-dix-huit seventy-eight soixante-dix-huittours 78 collectionnerlessoixante-dix-huittours tocollect78s Translations forsoixantein the English»French Dictionary (Go toFrench»English) Show summary of all matches Your search term in other parts of the dictionary ...
Define soixante-neuf. soixante-neuf synonyms, soixante-neuf pronunciation, soixante-neuf translation, English dictionary definition of soixante-neuf. n a sexual activity in which two people simultaneously stimulate each other's genitalia with their mouth
soixante French French Dictionary - soixantein French: 1. 2. French word "soixante"(La lettre x:) occurs in sets: La lettre et le son
Polish word "soixante-dix-sept"(siedemdziesiąt siedem) occurs in sets:Liczebniki francuskieFrancuski liczby 0-100 other words beginning with "S" soixante-dix in Polishsoixante-dix-huit in Polishsoixante-dix-neuf in Polishsoixante-douze in Polishsoixante-huit in Polishsoixante-neuf in Polish ...
Translations forsoixante-huitardin the French»English Dictionary soixante-huitard(e)<soixante-huitards>[swasɑ̃tɥitaʀ, -aʀd]Nm(f):(f) soixante-huitard(e) personwhotookpartintheeventsofMay1968 American English Monolingual examples (not verified by PONS Editors) ...
As is soixante-dix-neuf in Vietnamese? Come in, learn the word translation soixante-dix-neuf and add them to your flashcards. Fiszkoteka, your checked French Vietnamese Dictionary!
As is soixante-dix in Urdu? Come in, learn the word translation soixante-dix and add them to your flashcards. Fiszkoteka, your checked French urdu Dictionary!
French English Dictionary - soixantein English: 1.threescore English word "soixante"(threescore) occurs in sets: Fiches du livre - "Little Homespun" (Ruth Ogden) Fiches du livre - "The White Bees" (Henry Van Dyke) Fiches du livre - "Letters on England" (Voltaire) ...
huit in Finnishquinze in Finnishneuf in Finnish other words beginning with "S" soir in Finnishsoirée in Finnishsoixante in Finnishsoixante-deux in Finnishsoixante-dix in Finnishsoixante-dix-huit in Finnish soixante-cinq in other dictionaries soixante-cinq in Arabicsoixante-cinq in Czechsoixante-cinq...
French Ukrainian Dictionary S soixante dix huit French Ukrainian Dictionary - soixante dix huit in Ukrainian: 1. сімдесятвісім other words beginning with "S" soir in Ukrainiansoirée in Ukrainiansoixante in Ukrainiansoixante-cinq in Ukrainiansoixante-deux in Ukrainiansoixante-...