All terminology is linked back to the USDA-NRCS Soil Survey Handbook which contains extended definitions. The Google Earth interface to Soil-Web can be used to explore soils information in three dimensions. A flexible web API was implemented to allow advanced users of soils information to access ...
摘要: The article informs that the Natural Resources Conservation Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has launched the latest version of the Web Soil Survey 3.0 that could be accessed at the website年份: 2013 ...
location, three replicates of undisturbed core (54 mm diameter and 60 mm length) and bulk soil samples were manually obtained at similar landscape positions (i.e., summit). The annual total precipitation in Ohio averages between 100 and 120 cm, whereas the average temperature varies from 8.1 ...
Indiana NRCS Indiana Department of Ag Web Soil Survey Midwest Cover Crops Council Vermillion County Public Library Indiana Conservation Cropping Systems Initiative Indiana Woodland Steward Indiana Conservation Cropping Systems Initiative Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts Indi...
Indiana NRCS Indiana Department of Ag Web Soil Survey Midwest Cover Crops Council Vermillion County Public Library Indiana Conservation Cropping Systems Initiative Indiana Woodland Steward Indiana Conservation Cropping Systems Initiative Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts Indi...
There are many national soil databases such as the American Web Soil Survey (WSS) (Soil Survey Staff, 2010a) and the Soil Survey Geographic Data Base (SSURGO) from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) (Soil Survey Staff, 2010b); the Australian Soil Resource Information System (...
More information about SSURGO is available at Features of SoilWeb for iOS include: - Soil profile sketches, estimated proportions, and geomorphic position of soil components associated with the SSURGO "map ... (2023). Janzen, H. H., Janzen, D. W. & Gregorich, E. G. The ‘soil health’metaphor: illuminating or illusory?. Soil Biol. Biochem. 159, 108167 (2021). Article CAS Google Scholar Lal, R. ...
This layer was further enriched by integrating the NRCS web soil survey recreational suitability information for the states of Maine (ME), New York (NY), New Hampshire (NH), Rhode Island (RI), Connecticut (CT), Vermont (VT), and Massachusetts (MA). To ensure contextual relevance, the ...
As the functionality of the National Soil Survey Information System (NASIS) and Soil Survey Geographic System (SSURGO) increases, the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is advancing its interpretation program nationally to address security issues within the context of soil capability beyond ...