Cadmium (Cd) is one of the common toxic heavy metals (HMs), having harmful effects on the environment and potential health hazards allied with food chain contamination due to higher mobility, easy integration capacity in ion channels, and prolonged persi
ecosystem functions are potentially at risk18,29. Particularly, the last decades were subject to important changes in land cover and vegetation types in many regions of the world30, and were already visibly affected by climate change in terms of temperature and precipitation patterns31. Changes in ...
When the mixing ratio is different, the corresponding forest micro-environment will markedly diverge, generating dissimilar vegetation types and soil physical and chemical properties, which, in turn, indirectly shape the respective forest soil’s microbial community structure. Results Plant communities and...
a–dCryo-electron micrographs ofS. meliloti(a), EHEC H7 (b),Achromobacter(c), and EPEC H6 (d) flagellar filaments. The scale bar in each micrograph is ~20 nm. Inc, the red arrow points to anAchromobacterflagellar filament. The yellow triangle indicates anAgrobacterium tumefaciensflagellar f...
Table 5. Se content in topsoil under different land utilization types in the study area 土地利用类型 样品数量(件) 硒含量(mg/kg) 变异系数(%) 变幅(mg/kg) 平均值(mg/kg) 标准差(mg/kg) 草地 16 0.14~0.45 0.321a 0.096 30.01 耕地 455 0.10~0.54 0.343a 0.063 18.39 工业用地 8 0.16~1.10 ...
especially for the influence of different soil types and environmental factors on the adsorption/desorption/migration of pollutants on the microplastics. (2) The effects of different ageing processes on the properties and environmental behavior of the microplastics should be studied by experimental simulati...
DGGE and TGGE of 16S rDNA are commonly used to compare the genetic structure of bacterial communities from different soil types or submitted to perturbation (table II). In a restricted case, where the bacterial diversity is low, DGGE profiles can be used to define the number of different opera...
Modelling and prediction of soil erosion by water has a long history with first studies published in international journals more than seven decades ago using north American data sets (e.g. (Bennett, 1939; Smith, 1941; Zingg, 1940b)). Many mathematical models categorized as empirical, conceptual...
a A total of 40,039 MAGs were recovered from 3304 soil metagenomes. b Geographic distribution of metagenomes within each habitat. c Distribution of quality metrics across the MAGs. d Comparison of the current dataset with the published MAG catalogue across different environments; UHGG (Unified Hum...
in the ecologist’s toolbox—it is routinely used to measure the transference of energy through biological systems and define sources of nutrition, across a range of molecules and tissue types, each with their own rates of assimilation and turnover for the ratios of 13C/12C and 15N/14N1,2...