Horizon delineation Preprocessing Texture analysis x K-means RGB x Conversion to color models CIE L*a*b* x x HSV x x Segmentation CIE L*a*b* x x HSV x x CIE L*a*b* + texture x HSV + texture x Feature extraction x x Depth, distinctness and topography Using MATLAB x Using ...
Future research should focus on integrating detailed geotechnical parameters, such as soil texture, internal friction angle, and cohesion, alongside lithological properties, to provide a more comprehensive assessment of slope stability. This would complement the findings of this study and further enhance ...
powdery texture, although coarser particles may also be present [19]. The bulk density of red mud ranges from 2.7 to 3.5 g/cc, indicating its considerable heaviness [20,21,22]. The
The soil collected from S1, S2 and S3 appeared to have a silty texture, while the soil from S4 and S5 had a silt loam texture according to the United State system Malvern Mastersizer 2000 particle size analyzer. The pH of all of the soil samples was slightly alkaline, ranging from 8.45 ...
Theory, effects of soil texture, density, and organic matter, and effects on root growth. Geoderma 120:201–214.. Google Scholar [20] Dilly O, Blume HP, Munch JC (2003) Soil microbial activities in Luvisols and Anthrosols during 9 years of region-typical tillage and fertilisation ...
To describe the fine-grained soil types more fully, plasticity adjectives and soil types used as adjectives should be used to further define the soil type's texture, plasticity, and location on the plasticity chart (see Table 4-12). Examples using Table 4-11 are given in Table 4-12. An...
suggesting that a change from deep HT to NT would result in a greater SOC increase near the surface than a change from shallow HT. Figure16displays the effect of soil texture class on the SOC difference in NT relative to HT, with some soil classes appearing to demonstrate greater effects of...
The soil texture attributes in terms of clay fraction as input to SMAP-IB were compiled from the Harmonized World Soil Database and several regional datasets (Peng et al., 2019). In addition, to comprehensively evaluate SMAP-IB, the MODIS-based global land cover classification map (Fig. 1)...
To measure ERW's potential impact on the physical pillar of soil fertility, we combined the measurement of soil texture and bulk density with integrative physical indicators such as structural quality, water infiltration and aggregate stability. Soil texture was measured using laser diffraction particle...