The lack of adequate control or reference sites may, however, be conquered at least partially by the use of multivariate techniques [89], which relate the species composition and abundance to gradients of pollutants. It is not the intention of this chapter to present a review of statistical ...
It avoids some drawbacks of spectroscopic techniques, namely the fact that it scans a 3D image of the soil instead of only scanning its surface. Nevertheless, this technique is still a long way from routine application for soil quality assessment. Such novel indicators potentially allow a more ...
Sims, R.C. (1990) Soil remediation techniques at uncon- trolled hazardous waste sites - A critical review. J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc. 40, 704-732.Sims, R.C., "Soil remediation techniques at uncontrolled hazardous waste sites: a critical review," J. Air Waste Manag. Assoc. 40, 704-...
Discusses how the properties of nanomaterials are being used to make more efficient soil remediation techniques and products Assesses the practical and regulatory challenges of using different nanomaterial-based products for soil repair Details ISBN 978-0-12-822891-3 Language English Published 2021 Copyrig...
There is an urgent need for accurate information to quantify the problem and to underpin the selection of effective soil-conservation technologies and sedimentation-remediation strategies, including assessment of environmental and economic impacts. Existing classical techniques to document soil erosion are ...
andmechanicalinvolvedness.Nowadays,insituimmobilizationofmetals,phytoremediationandbiologicaltechniquesturned outtobebestsolutionforeliminationofmetal(loid)sfromthesoil.Here,wereviewedthedifferentremediationtechniquesfor extractionofheavymetalsfromsoilandespeciallyhighlightinginsituimmobilizationtechnique.Theaimofremediationeffort...
Remediation of Contaminated Areas in the Aftermath of the Accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. Overview, Analysis and Lessons Learned. Part 1. A Report on the “Decontamination Pilot Project” (Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 2015);
Baragaño D, Alonso J, Gallego JR, Lobo MC, Gil-Díaz M (2020a) Zero valent iron and goethite nanoparticles as new promising remediation techniques for as-polluted soils. Chemosphere 238:124624. Article CAS Google Scholar Baragaño D, For...
Soil, as a primary repository of plastic debris, faces an escalating influx of microplastics. Microplastics have the potential to decrease soil bulk densit
The status of soil contamination by heavy metals in Yunnan province is reviewed as well as the harm.Several popular soil remediation techniques are introduced.The advantages and disadvantages of these methods and their development trends are discovered.The phytoremediation and microbial remediation and joi...