Soil pollution or land contamination is a problem with serious consequences. We tell you the causes, their effects and how we can reduce it.
Soil Pollution. Causes, Effects and SolutionsPETRA, AlexandraODAGIU, AntoniaProEnvironment Promediu
The short term effects of human exposure to polluted soil include Headaches, nausea, and vomiting. Coughing, pain in the chest, and wheezing. Irritation of the skin and the eyes. Fatigue and weakness. A variety of long-term ailments have been linked to soil pollution. Some such diseases are...
along with sedimentation and water pollution. Lost farm income is estimated at $100 million per year. Soil erosion also costsEuropean countries$1.38 billion in annual agricultural productivity losses and $171 million in lost GDP (about 1% of total GDP).South Asialoses ...
Light Pollution - Reasons and Effects - Video for Kids 02:46 6 Noise Pollution -- Video for kids -- solution of noise pollution 02:55 7 Soil Pollution -- What are the causes of soil pollution-- soil pollution effects 03:17 8 Water pollution - Water Contamination - Video for ...
soil pollution-land pollution-土壤污染 SoilPollution Outline:•1.Whatissoilpollution•2.Organic(thosethatcontaincarbon)contaminants •3.Inorganic(thosethatdon'tcontaincarbon)contaminants •4.Effectsandcontrolstrategies 1.Whatissoilpollution?Alloftheseactivitieswillleadtosoilcontamination.1.Whatissoilpollution...
all are among the causes of modern soil pollution. It can even be caused by natural sources. Ground pollution effects vary based on the specific type of soil pollution as each one causes a wide variety of harmful environmental effects. If you are considering buying a home, get your soil tes...
Soil Pollution Photo by: Nejron PhotoSoil pollution comprises the pollution of soils with materials, mostly chemicals, that are out of place or are present at concentrations higher than normal which may have adverse effects on humans or other organisms. It is difficult to define soil pollution ...
Cadmium (Cd) is one of the common toxic heavy metals (HMs), having harmful effects on the environment and potential health hazards allied with food chain contamination due to higher mobility, easy integration capacity in ion channels, and prolonged persistence. At present, Cd toxicity has become...
Soil_pollution - 副本 Whatisthesoilpollution?Soil pollution Whatcausessoilpollution?Whataretheeffectsofsoilpollution?Whatshouldwodo?Soil pollutionisdefinedorcanbedescribedasthecontaminationofsoilofaparticularregion.Soilpollutioncomprisesthepollutionofsoilswithmaterials,mostlychemicalsthatarehigher...