The concept of one health highlights that human health is not isolated but connected to the health of animals, plants and environments. In this Review, we demonstrate that soils are a cornerstone of one health and serve as a source and reservoir of patho
The concept of "One Health" links environmental health to human health through interactions with soil, plants, and animals. This chapter emphasizes the importance of the soil microbiome in these complex interactions and how soil microbes can impact all aspects of our everyday lives, including: ...
Soil microbiomes and one health Samiran Banerjee Marcel G. A. van der Heijden Nature Reviews Microbiology(2023) Editorial Summary The importance of soil biodiversity Soils contain a rich biota, but this is threatened because of intensive agriculture and poor land management. Soil biodiversity has a...
Soil microbiomes and one health Samiran Banerjee Marcel G. A. van der Heijden Nature Reviews Microbiology (2023) Associated content Soil and its sustainability Collection Editorial Summary The importance of soil biodiversity Soils contain a rich biota, but this is threatened because of intensive ...
We are beginning to recognise that the soil microbiome is intrinsic to ecosystem health, services and plant, animal and human health [45]. Agricultural management practices can disrupt or alter the native soil microbiomes [46, 47]. However, the ramifications of such impacts are not clearly under...
Biodiversity is widely linked to human health, however, connections between human health and soil biodiversity in urban environments remain poorly understood. Here, we stress that reductions in urban soil biodiversity elevate risks to human health, but s
Evidence suggests that soil microorganisms, to which humans have been exposed throughout our evolutionary history, were essential for the evolution of the human gut microbiome and immunological resilience. In recent decades, gut microbial diversity has decreased along with urbanization and global loss of...
health. The core of soil microbiome research is the co-evolution of microbial communities in specific soils and their environmental functions. The functions of soil microbiomes are closely related to basic human needs such as food production, environmental protection, and medicine and health. ...
Soil microbiomes and one health Article 23 August 2022 Introduction Earth is rapidly being urbanized, with 70% of the human population expected to live in cities by 20501. Urban ecosystems provide major benefits to people, such as promoting social development and living convenience. However, high...
Intensive agriculture with continuous monocropping and massive chemical inputs has adversely affected belowground microbial composition and functions, resu