However, the entire range of microbes associated with plants and their potential to replace synthetic farm inputs has only recently started. Accordingly, there is a need to explore the potent soil microbes for efficient nutrient recycling and identify alternative eco-friendly options for reducing ...
Soil conceals a vast realm of unexplored microbes, often referred to as the “microbial dark matter.” This hidden universe boasts a rich tapestry of microbial and genetic biodiversity. Here, the authors introduce the SMAG catalogue, comprising of 40,039 metagenome-assembled genomes from 3304 soil...
Soil Microbes In Nutrient Cycling Soil Microbes In Nutrient Cycling Soil Microbial Activity And Soil Structure Soil Microbial Activity And Soil Structure Soil Microbial Activity And Soil Structure Soil Microbial Biotechnology Soil Microbial Biotechnology Soil Microbial Biotechnology Soil Microbial Communities In...
Soil microbes are involved in the decomposition of soil organic matter, regulate carbon stocks and nutrient cycling, and facilitate plant nutrient uptake3,4. Changes in soil microbial community composition and related functions can alter the associated services5. While previous studies have shown that ...
[31,32]. Moreover, these plant-associated microbes are capable of influencing many critical ecosystem functions, such as nutrient acquisition by plants and the cycling of resources between above- and belowground communities [33,34]. Previous work has shown soil microbial diversity is a key driver...
Soil microbes are the most abundant and diverse organisms on Earth and play a critical role in maintaining multifunctionality (including primary production, litter decomposition, nutrient cycling, and the regulation of greenhouse gas emissions) in terrestrial ecosystems (Bardgett et al., 2014, Gamfeldt...
Given that soil microbes play a central role in soil nutrient cycling, and the increasing use of biochars in agriculture, understanding biochar–microbe–soil interactions is of high priority. One of the great challenges in soil ecology is linking soil microbes, be it individual taxonomic groups ...
Seasonal Nutrient Cycling and Enrichment of Nutrient-Related Soil Microbes Aid in the Adaptation of Ramie ( Boehmeria nivea L.) to Nutrient-Deficient Condi... Seasonal Nutrient Cycling and Enrichment of Nutrient-Related Soil Microbes Aid in the Adaptation of Ramie ( Boehmeria nivea L.) to ...
Soil microorganisms are central to sustain soil functions and services, like carbon and nutrient cycling. Currently, we only have a limited understanding of the spatial-temporal dynamics of soil microorganisms, restricting our ability to assess long-term
but there is agreement that four stages of development occur in thetransformationof soil biomass to humus: (1) decomposition of biomass into simple organic compounds, (2) metabolization of the simple compounds by microbes, (3) cycling ofcarbon, hydrogen,nitrogen, and oxygen between soil organic ...