Soil Buffering and Acidic and Basic Soils : SSC 102 Soil ChemistryR J ZasoskiR G Burau
A soil's acidic or basic buffering capacity is its ability to retain its pH value under processes leading to a change in pH. The potential buffering capacity is usually characteristic of each soil type, and is related to physico-chemical properties, such as the quality and quantity of organic...
Crop rotation or mixed cropping can improve the fertility of the land. Solid waste treatment Proper methods should be adopted for management of solid waste disposal. Industrial wastes can be treated physically, chemically and biologically until they are less hazardous. Acidic and alkaline wastes ...
Soil chemistrywith a focus on acidity and alkalinity of the soil had an important role in the distribution of Se species in the environment (Ullah et al., 2019). In acidic soil where redox reduction is favored, inorganic selenite species (SeO32−) inherent to the soil environment are reduc...
acidic, fungal-dominated humus materials of slowly-decomposing litters and more common in the less acidic, bacterial-dominated richer soils of rapidly decomposing species. Indeed, the chemical and physical characteristics ofplant litterhas proven to be more important than climate or any other source ...
Soil土壤 Uppermostlayerofearth’scrustthatsupportsplants,animalsandmicrobes支撑植物,动物,微生物的最上层地壳SoilFormingFactors:土壤形成条件ParentMaterial母质Rockthatisslowingbrokendown缓慢分解的岩石Time时间Climate气候Organisms生物体Carbondioxidefromplantshelpsformcarbonicacidtobreakdownrock.Lichens(地衣类)produceacids...
The infrared spectrum of a mineral is a characteristic feature, which permits the identification of mineral species. The absorption bands arise from vibrations of the atoms or ions in the structure, and the frequencies of vibrations are dependent on the
In the case the soil is acidic, the soil is neutralized by a basic agent such as calcium carbonate and in the case the soil is alkaline, the soil is neutralized by adding ferrous sulfate, calcium sulfate, or the like. The nitrogen/phosphorus (N/P) ratio is preferably 0.3-0.85 and more...
Soils become extremely acidic (pH<4) when the presence of large amounts of reduced forms of S are oxidized to H2SO4if the soils are exposed to oxygen when they are drained or excavated. With a ≥0.15m thick sulfuric horizon that is often present, such soils are commonly referred to as...
The soil is an acidic, loamy clay derived from Quaternary Red Clay and classified as a Ferralic Cambisol51. Before the establishment of this experiment, the site was a mass pine (Pinus massonina Lamb.) natural secondary forest. The field experiment compared three crop systems based on common...