Agriculture Knowledge Centre. Organic Crop Production: Soil Conservation Practices. Gov- ernment of Saskatchewan--Agriculture. 2008, 1-5 p.Baumhardt, R.L.; Blanco-Canqui, H. Soil Conservation practices. In Encyclopedia of Agriculture and Food Systems; Van Alfen, N., Ed.; Elsevier: San Diego...
The review and synthesis showed that most physical soil and water conservation practices such as soil bunds and stone bunds were very effective in reducing run-off, soil erosion and nutrient depletion. Despite these positive impacts on these services, the impact of physical soil and water ...
Soil and Water Conservation Management Through Indigenous and Traditional Practices in Ethiopia: A Case Study Soil erosion and related forms, now constitute serious problem in many part of Ethiopia. Particularly in Southern Nation, Nationalities and People Regional... A Mushir,S Kedru - 《Ethiopian ...
the QI in the five soil and water conservation practices and two controls was in the following order: ER > VR > BL > FR > CT > SS > FP. ER exhibited a higher soil quality value on a slope scale. In the low mountain and hilly region of Northeast China, ER is...
Predicting rainfall-erosion losses from cropland east of the Rocky Mountains: Guide for selection of practices for soil and water conservation (No. 282). Agricultural Research Service, US Department of Agriculture. [68] Wischmeier, W.H., Smith, D.D., 1978. Predicting rainfall erosion losses...
This decreases the volume of refuse and helps in the conservation of natural resources. For example, recovery of one tonne of paper can save 17 trees. Reforesting Control of land loss and soil erosion can be attempted through restoring forest and grass cover to check wastelands, soil erosion ...
The management of animal manures is not always compatible with soil conservation practices. Careful management of the nutrients in manure is absolutely necessary to avoid nitrate contamination of ground water or phosphorus loading of streams and lakes. In a negative sense, increases in animal livestock...
The sediment yield concentrations mainly from surface runoff, erosion, vegetation type, soil and water conservation practices, and topographic factor. Figure 10 depicts the sediment yield distribution was classified into five categories according to their proportion of distribution. The average annual sedime...
soilconservationpracticesto110t/haonlandwiththe localcultivationpractices[9].Tocircumventthe negativeconsequencesofsoilerosion,thegovernment Corresp0nding author : Shimeles Damene, j unior researcher, researc h fi eld s: ecology an d natu ral resource management.E·mail:shimelesdamene@yaho...
crop productivity. Application of crop residues is useful for maintaining or enhancing soil organic matter (SOM). This chapter presents the perspectives on soil and environment through principles of conservation agriculture (CA) for sustainable cereal production system in Indo-Gangetic belts of South ...