水土保持英文课件6 Soil and Water Conservation-Wang Min.ppt,Soil and Water Conservation Wang Min (王敏) (School of Water Engineering and Building) Soil Erosion What’s soil erosion? Erosion is the process of detachment and transport of soil particles by
SoilandWaterConservation WangMin(王敏) (SchoolofWaterEngineeringandBuilding) SoilErosion What’ssoilerosion? Erosionistheprocessofdetachmentand transportofsoilparticlesbyerosiveagents (Ellison,1944). Erosionisanaturalgeologicprocess. WATEREROSION WINDEROSION Wind Erosion Water Erosion SOILEROSIONIS AGLOBALPROBLEM...
Soil Damage water Rills Soil Damage water Rills Soil Damage water Gully Soil Damage – Wind Erosion Dust Bowl What is soil conservation? Soil conservation is a method to maintain the fertility of the soil by protecting the soil from erosion and nutrient loss Windbreaks Retaining Walls Ground cov...
It includes water retained in surface depressions, water intercepted by vegetation, evaporation, and infiltration. Ia is highly variable but generally is correlated with soil and cover parameters. Soil Conservation Service Runoff Equation becomes: where CN = curve number Curve Numbers The major factors...
•SoilFormation•SoilProperties•Erosion•SoilConservation •Land-Portionoftheworldnotcoveredbywater.•Soil-Mixtureofminerals,organicmaterial,livingorganisms,air,andwater.SoilFormation •Soilformationbeginswithfragmentationofparentmaterial.•母岩-Ancientrocklayerswithrecentdepositsfromlavaorglacialflows.–...
4. Erosion Causes loss of soil by water and wind If one knows history of land can then do something to prevent more losses 4. Erosion Calculation One will be given original topsoil To find current topsoil drag knife through top layer until it stops. This is the topsoil ...
The water authority could gain income from local water beneficiaries then reinvest in further soil and water conservation practices.SENO ADIAgency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPP Teknologi), BPPT Building 2, lt. 18, jl Thamrin No. 8, Jakarta 10340,...
Methodofsuspendingplantsinwaterandthesolutionsinvolved.Ex.cranberriesaregrownthisway.CostsofHydroponics:Itislabor-intensiveandexpensive Benefits:Youcancontroltheenvironment&growplantswherethereisnosoil;NASAislookingintothis.SUSTAINABLEAGRICULTURETHROUGHSOILCONSERVATION Fertilizerscanhelprestoresoilnutrients,butrunoffof...
Soil Conservation Practices Agroforestry Trees and crops are planted together to improve soil fertility in degraded soils Trees grow much longer and provide many soil benefits: - reduces soil erosion - regulates water - provides habitat for natural enemies of crop pests - leaf litter regenerates soil...
Contamination processes Weathering of Hydrocarbons in soil and NAPL’s Weathering- dissoultion, volatilization, biodegradation These processes release water-soluble, low molecular weight orgainc compunds into water, leaving behind stained soils containing insoluble, high molecular weight compounds ...