官方网站:https://pinyin.sogou.com/ 官方微博:@搜狗输入法 https://weibo.com/sogoupinyin 微信公众号:搜狗输入法 合作邮箱:ImePOM-stickers@sogou-inc.com sogou输入法介绍 sogou输入法,一般又称搜狗输入法。 搜狗输入法(搜狗拼音输入法)app,拥有超大中文词库,输入更加准确,智能。搜狗智能旺仔带你用AI表达,斗图...
Sogou Pinyin is a lightweight but incredibly useful teaching tool that can help users of all knowledge levels learn or practice how to type in Chinese. Built from the ground up to be as intuitive and easy to use as possible, this application is regarded by many Chinese language teachers and...
厂商联系方式:官方网站:https://pinyin.sogou.com/ 官方微博:@搜狗输入法 https://weibo.com/sogoupinyin 微信公众号:搜狗输入法 合作邮箱:ImePOM-stickers@sogou-inc.com 搜狗输入法,一般又称搜狗拼音输入法,搜狗手机输入法,应用搜狗输入法,sogou输入法。 搜狗输入法,拥有超大中文词库,输入更加准确,智能。搜狗智能...
·搜狗拼音输入法(Sogou Pinyin)是当前网上最流行、用户好评率最高、功能下载次数最大的拼音输入法。 搜狗拼音输入法与传统输 …down.lre.cn|基于3个网页 2. 拼音输入法 ...ot be evil),什么都等别人先做了才跟风,拼音输入法(sogou pinyin)如此,词典(yodao dict)也如此,所以他们再怎么evil也evil …htamhu....
Sogou Pinyin for Mac is a lightweight but incredibly useful teaching tool that can help users of all knowledge levels to learn or practice how to type in Chinese. Built from the ground up to be as intuitive and easy to use as possible, this application is regarded by many Chinese language...
Sogou Pinyin Linux是一款功能强大且易于使用的中文输入法工具,通过智能词库和预测算法,可以帮助用户快速输入中文字符,并提高输入的准确性和速度。用户可以通过简单的设置和配置,定制自己的输入习惯和需求,使输入体验更加个性化和便捷。 与传统的中文输入法相比,Sogou Pinyin Linux具有更强大的词库和识别能力,可以快速准确地...
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