2.重命名SoftwareDistribution 文件夹: 按住Windows 键+R键打开运行,在输入框内中输入services.msc,并按下回车。 双击打开“Windows Update”服务。 然后点击“服务状态”下面的“关闭”按钮,将启动类型改为“禁用”。 然后重命名C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution文件夹为SDfolder 。 重命名完成后重新启用Windows Update服...
The Disk Cleanup utility in Windows, in my experience, has been pretty useless. Troubleshooting most Windows Updates issues comes down to the following items:Restart service Stop service, delete folder, start service Stop service, delete folder, delete SUS registry keys, start service, run '...
Since the the new Windows 10 updates the folder is still stuck in use.We used to stop the bits, wuausa, and cryptographic services to be able to remove or rename the folder, but not anymore.Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks....
Set-CMTSStepApplyWindowsSetting Set-CMTSStepAutoApplyDriver Set-CMTSStepCaptureNetworkSettings Set-CMTSStepCaptureSystemImage Set-CMTSStepCaptureUserState Set-CMTSStepCaptureWindowsSettings Set-CMTSStepConnectNetworkFolder Set-CMTSStepDisableBitLocker Set-CMTSStepDownloadPackageContent Set-CMTSStepEnableBitLocker Set...
2、再重命名 Software Distribution文件夹(1)按住 Windows,键+R键打开运行,在输入框内中输入 services,msc,并按下回车(2)双击打开 Windows Update”服务。 (3)然后单击“停止”,关闭该服务再将启动类型改为“手动 (4)然后重命名C: \Windows\ Software Distribution文件夹为 SDfolder ...
I just need to be able to clear the C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution folder where the new build is downloaded to (unless it's different on mobile?). Is there any way to get access to this folder and delete/rename it? As far as I can tell, this would allow the update to download for...
Ways to Remove Items From C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download on Windows 10.TheWindows updatefiles by default assemble in the download folder of Software distribution directory. Whenever the update gets stuck you require the deletion of the stuff in this folder in abundant cases. ...
Safe to delete SoftwareDistribution folder(s)? And how? Hello. Ive had a lot of problems installing the 1803 and 1809 updates, when they try to update they always gets reverted back to previous versions of windows. I think this, coupling with the fact that ive tried to do a ...
✅ softwaredistribution.bak folder takes a lot of memory:The softwaredistribution.bak folder on Win 10 takes 11.2 gb of memory and the windows folder takes a whole of 34.2 gb. I have a 128 ssd and this is...