go-premailer - Inline styling for HTML mail in Go. Gomail - Gomail is a very simple and powerful package to send emails. Hectane - Lightweight SMTP client providing an HTTP API. hermes - Golang package that generates clean, responsive HTML e-mails. MailHog - Email and SMTP testing with...
in the 'financial and business services' sector (i.e. which includes software and games) and 'other manufacturing' sector (i.e. which includes toys) experience: • an increase of up to 403 full- and part-time jobs; and • an increase in output of up to $59.5 million per year. ...
We build relationships with people too. We listen, we don’t preach. We see your needs, written and unwritten. We let you in on the creative process, with early prototyping, much testing and an iterative approach to development. And the result is as much you as it is me. ...
go-premailer - Inline styling for HTML mail in Go. Gomail - Gomail is a very simple and powerful package to send emails. Hectane - Lightweight SMTP client providing an HTTP API. hermes - Golang package that generates clean, responsive HTML e-mails. MailHog - Email and SMTP testing with...
Nisha Rawindaran 1,2, Ambikesh Jayal 3,*and Edmond Prakash 4 1 Cardiff School of Technologies, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff CF5 2XJ, Wales, UK 2 Aytel Systems Ltd., Cardiff CF3 2PU, Wales, UK 3 School of Information Systems and Technology, University of Canberra, Bruce, ACT...