An automatic classifier is proposed for the public tender process for software based on IEEE standard 830-1998, which categorizes text from a pragmatic point of view. Development phases and classification success rates are shown for each algorithm used in the different experiments. This system may ...
place in 1984, the second in Moscow in 1986, the third in Prague 1987 and the last one in Sofia in 1989. This went so far that after the third conference in Moscow the State Banks of Eastern Germany and the USSR agreed on a “proposal for the collaborative production and mutual exchange...
(in this case aided by social media and other new technology) to be hazy at first. Still, some of our sharpest minds areon the case— and so am I. When I was in New York I decided to do my part: I drafted up a proposal for what I think the Occupiers should be demanding. It...
(C1) S = f(CR) 5.3 Belief in a Lack of Transparency in the Tender Process (V2) One highly relevant argument places in doubt of the transparency of the tender process. This refers to the opacity of proposal evaluations, i.e., the suspicion that the suppliers had already been selected ...