In this paper, we discussed the collaboration of Software Project Management and Software Product Management, within the software product companies so that we can analyze the dependencies between Software Project and Software Product and the relationships between the project and product managers. The ...
软件项目管理(Software Project Management) 软件项目管理的概述 所谓软件项目管理就是为了使软件项目能够按照预定的成本、进度、质量顺利完成,而对人员(People)、产品(Product)、过程(Process)和项目(Project)进行分析和管理的活动。软件项目管理先于任何技术活动之前开始,并且贯穿于软件的整个生命周期。 软件项目管理的根本...
The questions that need to be answered before proceeding with the project include 1. Is the proposed software product cost effective?2. Can the proposed software product be delivered in time?3. What risks are involved in developing the software product, and how can these risks be mitigated? 在...
产品(Product)—产品的目标与范围,成本与开 发约束是划分项目任务,制定项目进度的依据;过程(Process)—软件过程提供了完成特定软件 项目所需的框架活动和开发任务的集合;项目(Project)—把软件置于有计划的、可控的 项目之中,是保证其成功的唯一途径。主要管理活动 项目策划与估算;项目进度安排;项目监督与...
Organizational and process benchmarking Use benchmarking at the organizational, process, and project levels to identify and implement best practices. (Apply) Ethical and Legal Compliance ASQ Code of Ethics Determine appropriate behavior in situations requiring ethical decisions, including identifying c...
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软件工程专业英语_Unit 01 Starting a Software Project 软件项目启动.pptx,Unit 1 Starting a Software Project;Contents; 1.1 Dialogue: Starting a Software Project; 1.1 Dialogue: Starting a Software Project; 1.1 Dialogue: Starting a Software Project;1.2 Liste
Free interactive product tour available Available upon request Website How To Choose Project Scheduling Software As you work through your software selection process, keep the following points in mind to ensure you select a high-quality project scheduling tool: Task and Resource Management: Choose ...
the history of project and product management; drawbacks of a project mindset; benefits of product thinking; and business-IT alignment. Then, get tips on how to become a product-focused software development organization: put DevOps and product management together; ...