软件开发生命周期(Software Development Life Cycle,SDLC)包含了软件从开始到发布的不同阶段。它定义了一种用于提高待开发软件质量和效率的过程。因此,SDLC旨在通过最少的资源,交付出高质量的软件。 阶段 为了避免产生严重项目失败后果,软件开发的生命周期通常可以被划分为如下六个阶段: 需求收集 设计 软件开发 测试和质...
Iteration is an intrinsic aspect of software engineering, and iterative life-cycle models have been used for over 30 years. The basic software development process is iterative. Each successive version is intended to be closer to its target than its predecessor. 递增也是软件工程的一个固有属性,递增...
软件开发生命周期(Software Development Life Cycle,简称SDLC)是一个系统化的过程,从软件项目启动,到设计、编码、测试,直至发布和维护,每个阶段都紧密相连,确保软件产品的高质量与持续改进。SDLC一般分为几个关键阶段。首先是需求分析阶段,此阶段旨在确定软件产品的具体需求和预期功能,通过与客户、用户...
软件开发生命周期(Software Development Life Cycle, SDLC)是整个软件开发过程、活动和任务的架构框架。这个框架涉及需求、设计、编码和测试等阶段,有时还包括维护阶段。当前,软件开发实践中采用的不同生命周期模型,都是这些基本组成部分的不同组合与排列。美国司法部(U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ)...
软件开发生命周期(Software Development Life Cycle, SDLC)是一个系统化的过程,旨在确保软件产品的高质量开发与维护。这个过程分为若干阶段,每个阶段都有其特定的目标和任务。以下是官方定义的六个步骤:1. 初步调查:此阶段的目的是收集有关软件需求的信息,了解客户的需求和期望,以及目前系统的状态。...
Maintenance is the last phase of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is maintenance. It involves the ongoing support, enhancement, and maintenance of the software system after it has been deployed. The maintenance phase aims to address any issues, bugs, or user requests, as well as make...
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a framework that defines the steps involved in the development of software at each phase. It covers the detailed plan for building, deploying and maintaining the software. SDLC defines the complete cycle of development i.e. all the tasks involved in pla...
在英国地区,软件开发生命周期采用的模式称为系统生命周期,缩写为SLC,其流程与一般的SDLC(软件开发生命周期)有所不同,具有独特的步骤和特点。首先,决策部门会制定授权调查范围(Terms Of Reference),明确新系统的功能和目的,这是SLC的第一步。紧接着,进行可行性研究,评估开发新系统的技术和经济...
A well-definedSoftware Development Life Cyclecan significantly improve the odds by bringing clarity, predictability, and governance to software projects. But what are the common phases and models that make up a typicalSoftware Development Life Cycle?