Entdecken Sie die aktuellen Innovationen von SAP Customer Experience. Vergrößern Produktempfehlungen basierend auf Kundenanforderungen Verwenden Sie historische Daten und maschinelles Lernen, um Kundenanforderungen zu ermitteln. Wenden Sie diese Erkenntnisse an, um die besten Produkte zu empfeh...
Free CRM Software for customer relationship management.
Free CRM Software for customer relationship management.
Streamline organization-wide Customer Support process and enable a better integration between Sales & Customer Support processes in a single integrated system. Integration between Sales and Post-sales support management helps organizations in resolving the customer-reported cases in less time thereby enhancin...
Streamline organization-wide Customer Support process and enable a better integration between Sales & Customer Support processes in a single integrated system. Integration between Sales and Post-sales support management helps organizations in resolving the customer-reported cases in less time thereby enhancin...
Sorgen Sie für zufriedene Kunden und Vertriebsmitarbeiter – mit einem CRM, das wie angegossen zu Ihren Geschäftsanforderungen passt. Zoho Creator bietet Ihnen eine umfassende CRM-Lösung, die sowohl über das Internet als auch mobil genutzt werden kann. Verfolgen Sie den Status von Leads...
解析 客户关系管理(CustomerRelationshipManagement,CRM)是一款管理顾客和供给方之间关系和交流的软件.独家经销(Exclusivedistribution)指某领域某产品只有唯一的经销商.结果一 题目 Customer Relationship Management is software to manage the relationship and communication betwee... Customer Relationship Management is ...
Culture: the software of e-Customer Relationship Management. Journal of Marketing Communications, 12(3): 203 - 223Sigala, M. ( 2006 ), “ Culture: the software of e‐customer relationship management ”, Journal of Marketing Communications , Vol. 12 No. 3, pp. 203 ‐ 23 . [] []...
Harness CRM software from SAP for improved customer relationship management. Create a frictionless customer experience with the power of CRM.
OpenPro Customer Relationship Management package that delivers comprehensive, out-of-the-box e-Business functionality that is uniquely tailored to the specific business practices across a broad range of industries. Developed in close collaboration with customers and partners, OpenPro applications enable org...