Geeks for geeks - Algorithms Other resources for DS, Algo and coding fundamentals bigocheatsheet Book: Beautiful code Book: Elements of Programing Interview Coding Interview University Course: Udacity - Intro to Algorithms MIT Open courseware - Introduction to Algorithms(not very efficient) ...
Geeks for Geeks InterviewBit Sphere Online Judge (spoj) Challenge repos: Interactive Coding Interview Challenges in Python Mock Interviews: Mock interviewers from big companies - I used this and it helped me relax for the phone screen and on-site interview. Pramp: Mock interviews fro...
UPDATED 01/02 OpenCore Legacy Patcher v2.2.0- Allows for installing newer macOS on old Macs. UPDATED 01/02 OpenHabitTracker v1.0.9- Take notes, plan tasks, track habits. UPDATED 01/02 Stunt Rally v3.3- A free, open source 3D racing game with rally style driving. UPDATED 12/31 Battery...
Geeks for Geeks InterviewBit Maybe: Mock interviewers from big companies Once you're closer to the interview Cracking The Coding Interview Set 2 (videos): Cracking The Code Interview Cracking the Coding Interview - Fullstack Speaker Series Ask Me Anything: Gayle Laakmann McDowell (author of Cr...
The Application Engineering staff of the Microwave Semiconductor Division of Hewlett-Packard Co. (now Keysight Technologies) created AppCAD as a design help for RF & Microwave ("wireless") designers. AppCAD was then, and still is, distributed free of charge as a service to the wireless enginee...
Box Notes Boxcryptor Brainloop BoardRoom Brainloop BoardSuite Brandfolder BrandOffice BrandStream BSCW Classic BSCW Social BSI Knowledge Manager BullseyeEngagement Butter CA Flowdock CafeX Meetings CalendarHero CALIPIO Callbridge CallingPost Cameyo CANEA Document Carta CB D365 SharePoint Permission Replicator...
36 wx-chevalier/Awesome-CS-Books Awesome CS Books(with Digests)/Series(.pdf by git lfs) Warehouse for Geeks, ProgrammingLanguage, SoftwareEngineering, Web, AI, ServerSideApplication, Infrastructure, FE etc. 优秀计算机科学与技术 ... 1764 2024-01-05 37 logoove/weui weui+是在weui和zepto基础上...
METHODS & TOOLS Practical knowledge for the software developer, tester and project manager ISSN 1661-402X Spring 2013 (Volume 21 - number 1) The ScrumMaster as a Chess Master In the preface of his book Essential Scrum, Kenneth Rubin writes "giving a new Scrum team ...
106 wx-chevalier/Awesome-CS-Books Awesome CS Books(with Digests)/Series(.pdf by git lfs) Warehouse for Geeks, ProgrammingLanguage, SoftwareEngineering, Web, AI, ServerSideApplication, Infrastructure, FE etc. 优秀计算机科学与技术 ... 1764 1 2024-01-05 107 ddzipp/AutoAudit AutoAudit—— the...
Oleg Selajev from Oracle Labs is famous on Twitter for saying, “The ‘S’ in the IoT stands for security.” Oleg does not spell poorly; instead, he was bemoaning the sad state of affairs in IoT security. Despite the truth in Oleg’s...