Software Engineering at Google豆瓣评分:8.7 简介:The approach to and understanding of software engineering at Google is unlike any other company. With this book, you’ll get a candid and insightful look at how software is constructed and maintained
Software Engineering at Google这本书系统地介绍了谷歌的软件工程的最佳/独特的实践,值得学习借鉴。 软件工程 软件工程(Software Engineering)不同于编程(Programming),它是大时间跨度的多人的编程开发工程,可以形容软件工程为编程在时间维度上的积分。软件工程的实践有三个主要的原则: 时间和变化,代码如何随着时间而...
we have build testing into the heart of our engineering culture all new code changes were required to include tests, and those tests would be run continuously The best teams find ways to turn the collective wisdom of its members into a benefit for the entire team. That is exactly what autom...
《Software Engineering at Google》, 是 Fergus Henderson(弗格斯·亨德森)在2017年6月发表,并于2019年修订的一篇论文。这篇论文从软件开发,项目管理和人员管理的角度讲述了谷歌的软件工程实践。谷歌作为一家全球顶尖的科技公司,在软件工程方面有着非常出色的实践经历,值得软件工程师们认真品读。 作者Fergus Henderson在...
Software Engineering at Google Google的Fergus Henderson在Software Engineering at Google中介绍了Google的软件工程实践。 软件开发 源码仓库 单一源代码仓库,除了核心配置和安全相关代码,任何工程师都可以访问任何代码,并可以根据需要修改 所有开发都基于master分支,发布的时候才创建发布分枝...
由《Software Engineering at Google》开始的思考 《google的软件工程实践》在内容上,从软件开发,项目管理,团队建设三个方面提到了在google公司软件工程实施的一些实践。提到的很多实践并不陌生,在众多软件公司,包括我们周围的开发队伍中也在使用。但要达到google的实践水平,工作需要更细致、更系统、更具针对性(人力资源...
See all Software Engineer jobs at Google More Google Software Development salaries Site Reliability Engineer €112 per day 3 salaries reported Senior Software Engineer €130 per day 49 salaries reported Technical Program Manager €137 per day
The Google engineer levels are as follows: Level 2- SWE 1 Years of experience: 0-3Total compensation: $118,000 A Software Engineer 1 is usually someone fresh out of college or someone doing an internship at Google while pursuing a bachelor’s degree in an engineering discipline. These ...
Software Engineering at Google 这本书2020年出版,广受好评。截止现在(2021年5月),在亚马逊上4.6/5分,在豆瓣上8.1/10分。昨天在浏览技术网站的时候,突然发现Google在2021年4月22日把这本书以CC协议免费放出来了,喜大普奔!由于这本书还没有引进国内,因此这次开放对国内同学来说确实是个好消息。