Software Engineering for AI-Based Systems: A Survey AI-based systems are software systems with functionalities enabled by at least one AI component (e.g., for image-, speech-recognition, and autonomous drivi... S Martinez-Fernandez,J Bogner,X Franch,... - 《Acm Transactions on Software Engin...
CMU Lecture: Machine Learning In Production / AI Engineering / Software Engineering for AI-Enabled Systems (SE4AI) - ckaestne/seai
采用全面的人工智能方法,您可以在软件生命周期的每个阶段应用它—不仅是开发阶段。 增强和扩展您团队的知识 我们创建了技术和知识型工具,旨在提升开发者的技能、分享专业知识和通过人工智能增强开发者的创新能力。 负责任地发挥人工智能的全部潜力 将人工智能与现代工程原则和治理防护措施相结合,以负责任和安全地实现其益...
Software engineering - Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Quality model for AI systemsdoi:ISO/IEC 25059:2023ISO/IEC 25059:2023本文件概述了人工智能系统的质量模型,是SQuaRE标准的特定应用扩展.模型中详细描述的特征和子特征为指定,测量和评估人工智能系统质量提供了一致的术语....
AI is not only software-based but also transforms the way we create software. Tools like GitHub Copilot affect the processes of building, testing, and delivering software. This workstream aims to examine how AI can and should influence software engineering – including its effe...
AI-Driven Software EngineeringUsing AI to assist every developer build better software faster概述 人员 论文与出版物 研究组 微软研究院博客 Generative AI is transforming the way software is built. We conduct research at the forefront of this transformation. We design ML models, algorithms and ...
EngineeringGenerative AI+1 more 3.6k views 2 Upvotes 2 Comments UpvoteCommentSaveShare Sort By: Engineering ManagerinBankinga year ago I am using GitHub copilot for personal projects, it’s improving but has miles or go. Content you might like ...
“AI and Software Engineering”, it is now split into two: “AI for Software Engineering” and “Software Engineering for AI”. A new area “Architecture and Design” is introduced. The topics listed under each area have also been revised. Please see the “Research Areas” section below. ...
随着ChatGPT的火热,ML/AI for XXX的项目越来越多,这里收集一些Github上其他人整理的list(慢慢补充)…
The goal for this role is to take Apple’s Chinese voice assistant to the next level of intelligence and accuracy using advanced techniques. This position involves a wide variety of skills and innovation, and is a unique opportunity that sits at the cutting-edge of software engineering and ...