Looking for that software solution that your clients demand? Tired of creating workarounds to accomplish those everyday business tasks with your current software? Seeking a technology consulting firm with a vast knowledge of your industry that works in partnership with your business team?
We're based in Cleveland Ohio and want to help you improve your business by developing custom software & grow your business with inbound marketing and sales.
Software Developer Demand Continues to Outpace Supply The need for talented software developers shows no signs of slowing down: The US Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that this sector will grow by 25% between 2022 and 2032, exceeding the 3% average for all occupations by a wide margin. Dev...
Ren Ventura is a web and software developer from Cleveland, specializing in custom web applications that resolve complexities for modern businesses.
This was implemented as a Kibana-like menu, linked on demand to one of the VR controllers, as shown in Fig. 7. Figure 8 shows a screenshot of the VR dashboard presented to participants in the experiment, as seen from a corner of the “museum” room. Note that participants are placed...
I am a coder who has created custom software solutions for business people in the Cleveland, Ohio area since 1990. I have acquired the experience and insight for how to make app development the efficient and time saving business partner it should be. If you are running a general office type...
Considering the sheer volume of “Baker Hate” coming out of the Cleveland sports media these days, you can be forgiven for being unaware that Baker has an elite arm. In fact, many Baker-haters criticize him for having a mediocre, or even a weak arm. Those people are idiots. ...
From Planning to Permits, Zoning to Compliance: Research on the 50 largest U.S. cities’ use of automated land management systems Read more Infographic Get in Touch WE VALUE YOUR PRIVACY This site uses cookies and related technologies, as described in our privacy policy, for purposes that may...
Cleveland, OH "I didn't have to reinvent the wheel. I just had to push it up the hill a bit. If your goal is to do multiple deals over...and over...and over again and have a system, move forward and pull the trigger with REI BlackBook. ...
as the output, to be used by subsequent models (forecasting and optimization model). Note that there are two input demand files - historical demand data and forecasted demand data. One of these files is pre-processed and used as the demand file based on a parameter in the input_opt_paramet...