1.SA定义:Architecture=Components+Connectors+Topology+Constraints+Performance (软件体系结构=构建+连接件+拓扑结构+约束+质量) 2.构件(component) 广义上讲,构件时具有某种功能的可复用的软件结构单元,是为组装服务的,是组成软件系统的计算单元或数据存储单元;严格意义上讲,构件时一种可部署单元,它具有规范的接口规约...
Software Connectors and Their Role in Component Deployment[C]//Proceedings of the IFIP TC6/WG6. Boston, USA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001: 69-84.Bálek, D., Plášil, F.: Software connectors and their role in component deployment. In: Proc. Third Intl. Working Conf. on New ...
Earlierversions of the UML have been an out of depth for documenting software architectures like component, port, connector and system. Users have adopted conventions for representing architectural concepts using different grouping of UML modeling element. They can also create profiles to focus the UML...
components: principal processing units and data stores. A component has a set of ports through which it interacts with other components (via connectors) connectors: pathways of interaction between components. connectors have a set of role that indicate how components may use a connector in interactio...
Uses components and connectors (interfaces) to show the dependencies (主要是反应之间相互依赖关系) 2. deployment diagram Illustrates the distribution of components on concurrent processes at run time Uses nodes and connections to depict the physical resources in the system (比起UML component, 他更加注...
Typically, objectoriented methods do not lead to designs that make a clear separation between computational and compositional aspects. Component-based systems, on the other hand, achieve flexibility by clearly separating the stable parts of systems (i.e. the components) from the specification of ...
REBOUND: A Framework for Automated Component Adaptation by John Penix in Proceedings of the 9th Annual Workshop on Software Reuse (WISR-99), 1999.Effective measures to promote software reuse have become increasingly more important as the cost and complexity of software development continues to ...
Design of connectors in distributed system based on extended attribute-driven design method Today, software architecture has received a lot of attention in software development process. In terms of architecture, component and connector are two key concepts to understand logical organization of software. ...
3.1. Components and Connectors Abstraction and Encapsulation Types and Type Checking Accommodating Analysis Tools Semantics 15 18 21 22 23 25 27 3 8 9 11 12 13 3 . UniCon: Language for Universal Connector Support 3.1.1. Components Built-in Component Types Implementation of ...
and reliability of components and connectors defined.The degree of failure severity of components and connectors are obtained according to expert experiences.A Markov model is constructed from various scenarios, and reliability of individual components and the overall system estimated using the model....